FUN DIP Raise Arm = lick “Test Trial” = DON’T lick
Ivan Pavlov and BF Skinner Behaviorism Ivan Pavlov and BF Skinner
Behaviorism Focuses on how we learn Only studies observable responses Learn through observation; reward and punishment
B.F. Skinner Skinner believed that our beliefs in human FREEDOM and dignity are ILLUSIONS. He believed that we are SLAVES to our environment and NOT actually free to do as we choose.
Classical Conditioning Learning by association; building block of learning
Association at work in modern life Does a winning team elicit more school spirit? Does displaying a physically attractive model with an automobile make it more attractive? Do celebrities help sell more products?
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) Stimulus that triggers a response AUTOMATICALLY (best friend): no learning required
Unconditioned response (UCR) A reflexive (not learned) response to an UCS (happy)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS) Stimulus that gains a learned response (band/theatre/football/b-ball, etc)
Conditioned Response (CR) Response to a conditioned stimulus; usually the same behavior as the UCR but is “learned” (happy)
Pavlov’s Dog Before Conditioning During Conditioning UCS (food in mouth) elicits UCR (salivation) Neutral Stimulus (bell) elicits no salivation During Conditioning Neutral Stimulus (bell) + UCS (food) elicits UCR (salivation) After Conditioning CS (bell) elicits CR (salivation) *** Usually classical conditioning elicits a SIMILAR response to a different stimulus
Classical Conditioning Alcoholic Scenario
Operant Conditioning A type of learning in which the frequency of a behavior depends on the consequences that follows that behavior
Law of effect Behaviors w/favorable consequences will occur more frequently; visa-versa; behaviors w/ a less favorable consequence will occur less frequently
Operant Conditioning uses: Reinforcements: any consequence that INCREASES the likelihood of a behavior Punishments: any consequence that DECREASES the likelihood of a behavior
ARE all consequences the same for everybody?
Is broccoli appealing to everybody?
The learner determines whether a consequence is a reinforcement or punishment
Suspension from School? Is suspension from school a reward or a punishment?
Reinforcements Positive: anything that INCREASES the likelihood of a behavior by following it with a desirable event or state Allowance for work Candy if you’re good in class Praise for good behavior Ex: I give my dog a treat when he goes bathroom outside, rather than inside Ex: I give my dog a treat when he doesn’t bark at guests.
Reinforcements Negative: anything that INCREASES the likelihood of a behavior by following it with the REMOVAL of an undesirable event or state Taking Aspirin Giving into an argument Fanning yourself Leaving a movie theatre during a horrible movie Smoking Faking a stomach ache to avoid school Putting up an umbrella to escape the rain
Is alcohol a positive or negative reinforcement or punishment or all?
Other Types Immediate v. Delayed What types of real world rewards occur on delayed schedules? Did you learn to wait for rewards? Does the media encourage people to delay gratification? Immediate is more effective than delayed
Continued Primary V Secondary Primary : Something that is naturally rewarding Food Warmth Love Water Secondary: something that we have “learned” is rewarding because it has been paired with primary reinforcement Power = primary; paired w/ $, therefore, we learn that $ is rewarding: Acknowledgement = Primary; paired w/ grades, therefore, we learn to value grades: grades = secondary
Punishments Punishments WEAKENS the behavior because An undesirable event follow the behavior I stop buying lottery tickets because I never win A desirable event ENDS following the behavior I stop fighting because when I do, I lose my cell phone
Is suspension a punishment?