Direct Mail
Direct Mail Components Traditional Mail still 56%. Telemarketing. E mail. SMS Leaflets. You Tube. Links. Website. Coupons. Pop Up Kiosks. Voice Mail. Apps. WORD OF MOUTH.
Top TEN Benefits of Direct Mail Highly Targeted. Supports Marketing Effort. Personalised Proven Track Record. Tangible. Familiar Format. Versatile. Measurable Cost Effective. Not Difficult to Create
Disadvantages of Direct Mail Expense. May Offend Low Response. Long Lead Time. Environmental Implications.
Common Mistakes in DM Integrity of Mailing List. 56% of DM still a Letter in an envelope. Not Testing. Not using a covering letter. High lighting Features and Benefits. Not having an OFFER. Superficial Copy.
Direct Mail Planning Process. A GOAL WITHOUT A PLAN IS JUST A DREAM.
Planning Process Objectives. Target Audience. Offer. Budget. Evaluation. Being Ethical.
Objectives. Generate 200 Sales lead in 4 weeks. To get 500 people to visit the store every week. 100 people to call to enquire every day. 200 people to visit the website every week. 100 new sales every day
Target Audience. Gender. Age. Lifestyle. Education. Household Income. Location. Purchasing Behaviour.
Business Demographic Industry Type. Company Profile. User – Influencer – Gate Keeper - Decision Maker -
Data Base Don't waste time and money talking to the wrong people. Cost more money to get a new customer than keeping and building a relationship with an existing customer. Mailing Lists (address, email id, tel nos, professional groups, special interest groups can be purchased from professional companies. Careful who you buy from –references, test with a small sample size.
Make an Exciting Offer. Personalised. Sense of Urgency but not hard sell. Clear buying instructions – where, No hidden Costs (?) Discounts Early Bird Offer. Introduction Offer. Free Gifts. Sample. References. Introduce a friend Offer. By invitation -Members Only
Response and Call to Action Backend must be in place. Telephone Operators. Delivery process – Last Mile. Website – enquiry capturing option. (Test Drive Appt) Prepaid Post Card. Don't irritate the customer – she will take her business to competition!!
Stay on BUDGET. Prepare a comprehensive budget. Review income and expenditure daily. Have Plan B in place. Kill the campaign if not meeting expectations. 5% Response is Break Even – 15% is Good. (Thumb Rule)
DM Cost Components Creative Cost Production including Printing. Mailing and Postage. Data List. Back Office outsourced % of calls, sms, emails, letters etc sent out. Some also do analytics.
Campaign Timing Seasonality – Each has its own Life Cycle. Work backwards from day of launch. (SP Wedding) Size and Complexity – local, National or International. Backend to handle logistics.
Measurement and Analysis Back to Objectives. Drive Sale and New Business. ROI. Customer Life Time Value.
Multiple Version Testing Having used various options – which works best. Analytics tells you where positive results are coming in from. Retail - Store is the Hero. Retailers are therefore spending 70% of marketing coat at the retail level. Store Ambience, Service Levels, Goods Return Policy, Parking/Valet, Better informed/empowered sales personnel.
History of Direct Mail