499 BC Aristagoras of Miletos stirs up rebellion in Ionia. Rebuffed by Kleomenes of Sparta, but gets aid from Athens and Eretria 494 BC Darius’ Persians raze Miletos. End of Ionian Revolt “Do not forget the Athenians.”
490 BC Persians burn Eretria. Battle of Marathon Pheidippides Miltiades 487 BC Revival of ostracism at Athens 486 BC Death of Darius. Succeeded by Xerxes 483 BC Athenian miners strike major vein of silver. Themistokles persuades Athenians to build fleet
481 BC (autumn) and 480 BC (spring) Greek states form alliance against Persians 480 BC Persian forces cross Hellespont to Greece Battles at Thermopylae and Artemesion Ephialtes Immortals Leonidas Boiotia Dienekes
480 BC Persians sack Athens. Battle of Salamis (Sept) Xerxes withdraws troops, goes to Asia Minor leaving army under Mardonios 479 BC (spring) Mardonios fails to detach Athens from allies
479 BC (summer) Battle of Plataia Pausanias Tegea Battle of Mykalé Leotykhidas Samos
480 BC Gelon of Syracuse defeats Carthaginians at Himera
Some thoughts: Who actually fought the Persians? Other concerns (e.g. Spartans with Argos, helots) The position of the aristocrats. Persian Wars reflecting class struggle?
Herodotus (484?-425? BC) From Halicarnassus, Asia Minor Travelled in Asia Minor, at Black Sea, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt 447 BC In Athens 443 BC Helps found Athenian colony in Italy “Father of History”