Fig. 2. Markov model of opportunistic examination group Fig. 2. Markov model of opportunistic examination group. pOeNE, probability of not examined in opportunistic examination group; pPDRlaserSVL, probability of PDR to SVL after laser therapy; pCSMElaserSVL, probability of CSME to SVL after laser therapy; pSpNR, probability of no retinopathy in systematic photography group; pSpNPR, probability of negative predictive ratio in systematic photography group; pSpPPR, probability of positive predictive ratio in systematic photography group. Fig. 2. Markov model of opportunistic examination group. pOeNE, probability of not examined in opportunistic examination group; pPDRlaserSVL, probability of PDR to SVL after laser therapy; pCSMElaserSVL, probability of CSME to SVL after laser therapy; pSpNR, probability of no retinopathy in systematic photography group; pSpNPR, probability of negative predictive ratio in . . . J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Dec;30(12):1723-1732.