Industry in Florida
Directions for Map Activity On your map of Florida label the following: Jacksonville Pensacola Tarpon Springs Cedar Key Ybor City Osceola County St. Johns River St. Augustine Miami Tampa Key West Gulf of Mexico Lakeland Atlantic Ocean Fernandina
Directions for Map Activity Brainstorm a list of the industries that were important in Florida during this time. Designate a color for each industry and then color the region where that activity was centered according to the article. For example, color the area where citrus was a key industry orange….
Turpentine Harvesting and cooking
Eberhart Faber pencil company- Cedar Key Fl.
Sponges Harvested in Florida
Workers hand rolling cigars in Ybor City Florida
Shade Tobacco grown in Quincy
Shade tobacco drying in a tobacco barn in Quincy Florida
Henry Flagler’s Keys over Seas Railroad