Marshall McLuhan
global wanderers information gatherers rather than food gatherers We have become global wanderers information gatherers rather than food gatherers
Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which humans communicate than by the content of the communication
The tribalizing power of the new media is little understood The tribalizing power of the new media is little understood. Tribalism is the sense of the deep bond of family, the closed society as the norm of community.
he is translated into information Today man has no physical body, he is translated into information
The traditional classroom is an obsolete detention home, a feudal dungeon The metropolis today is a classroom, the ads its teacher.
School is the advertising agency which makes you believe you need the society as it is
I don't know who invented water, but I know it wasn't the fish
The specialist is one who never makes small mistakes while moving toward the grand fallacy
We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future
They tend to have a linear format. HOT AND COLD MEDIA The cold media have a small sensorial influence on humans. The reason for this is, that they offer little details and information, and are not optically delightful for humans. To use and understand these media humans must actively deal with these media, this is why they tend to provide more user control. The hot media are those, which have a large influence on humans and its sensous perception. According to McLuhan these media even possess a "destructive strength”. They tend to have a linear format.
THE INVENTION OF THE PRINTING PRESS The phonetic alphabet alone, of all forms of writing, translates the audible and the tactile into the visible and the abstract.
GLOBAL VILLAGE A place where the world can communicate instantaneously through mass media and the internet