What is Geography? & TODALSIGS
Textbook Definition Someone tell me the textbook definition of Geography “The study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth.” (p.5) What does that really mean though?
Geography is … The study of … Who we are! Where we are! Why we do what we do!
How we study Geography 5 Themes of Geography Location Place Region Human / Environment Interaction Movement
Geographer’s Toolkit What tools does a geographer use to understand these 5 themes? Maps Population Data (Census, etc…) Surveys First Hand Exposure Second Hand Interviews
Map Must Haves There are a few things maps should have…the more of these available will make it a better source for information. T – Title O – Orientation D – Date A – Author L – Legend (Key) S – Scale I – Index G – Grid S – ource
TODALSIGS Elements of a Map
is an acronym for all the components of a map. TODALSIGS is an acronym for all the components of a map. You will be asked to include some of the items on all of your maps.
The title conveys the subject and area covered. is for title. The title conveys the subject and area covered.
What is the Title?
O is for orientation. The orientation conveys the map’s cardinal direction on a compass rose.
is for orientation. O Dallas is which direction from Houston? Odessa is which direction from El Paso?
D is for date. The date conveys when the map was made and/or to what period in history the map corresponds. This is important because of historical changes in boundaries, names, etc. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/atlas_texas/san_jacinto_battle_1836.jpg
Hint: Always put your name on your map. The author is the person responsible for creating the map. Without the name of the author, it is difficult to give credit where credit is due. A is for author. Hint: Always put your name on your map.
L is for legend. The legend is the section of the map that explains all symbols and color representations.
L is for legend.
The scale conveys the distance between points on a map. is for scale. The scale conveys the distance between points on a map.
is for index I Building Grid Art Building B6 Athletic Center G2 Athletic Office E3 Auditorium A5 Bain Hall D4 Biology Building C5 An Index lists places on the map in alphabetical order and gives the coordinates for easy location.
G is for grid. The grid is a specific pattern used to measure absolute location. Example: latitude/longitude, number/letter
The source indicates where the author got the information The source indicates where the author got the information. Sometimes the author and the source are the same. S is for source. Click the map to view the entire map. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/shepherd/trade_routes.jpg
TODALSIGS Identify the TODALSIGS for each map if possible. This is an opportunity to check your understanding.
http://www. lib. utexas. edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/hong_kong_pol98 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/hong_kong_pol98.jpg
http://www. lib. utexas. edu/maps/historical/havana_harbour_city_1858 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/havana_harbour_city_1858.jpg