WMO INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING Dr William Nyakwada RA-II RECO Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 10-11 February 2017 RA-II RECO
Presentation Layout Introduction WMO Integrated Strategic Planning The role of WMO and NMHSs in responding to the Global Societal Needs National Strategic Planning Conclusions RA-II RECO
Introduction Strategic planning dates back to ancient Greek civilization, with the word "strategy" derived from the Greek word "strategos" which means "General" or army leader. Its application in the military means “to plan the destruction of one’s enemies through effective use of resources”. Profit based institutions adopted the approach due to competition It deals with at least one of these questions: What do we do?, For whom are we doing it? How do we excel? RA-II RECO
Introduction cont’d There is no single, universal and perfect strategic planning model for an institution. Institutions develop their own strategic planning processes, language and gain experience over a period of time. The frequently used models by non-for profit are Basic, Issue-Based, Alignment, Scenario, and Organic planning. Integrated strategic planning involves strategic and operational planning, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation. WMO uses integrated strategic planning process and issue-based strategic planning model. RA-II RECO
WMO Integrated Strategic Planning (Pillars: WMO SP, OP, RBB and M&E WMO STRATEGIC PLANNING -Is built on RBM concept. -Integrates Members inputs and reports from M&E. -Defines where WMO is, where it wants to be, how it will get there, and how it will monitor, evaluate and report the performance progress. WMO Results-based Budget -Identifies regular resources to implement WMO Operating Plan. WMO STRATEGIC PLAN -Mission, Vision, Global Societal Needs. -Priorities. -Expected Results. WMO OPERATING PLAN -Key Outcomes - KPIs -Deliverables -Activities WMO Monitoring & Evaluation -Monitors, evaluates and reports on progress to achieve expected results What? How? Means Progress RA-II RECO
The role of WMO and NMHSs in responding to the Global Societal Needs RA-II RECO
National Strategic Planning Governments are faced with competing priorities and limited resources. The investments in NMHSs are essential for implementing WMO programmes, but many are experiencing budget cuts. National SP would define specific areas for investment by governments and partners to attract resources. WMO Integrated Strategic Planning Handbook (WMO-No. 1180) is intended to assist NMHSs develop or improve NSPs: http://library.wmo.int/opac/doc_num.php?explnum_id=3212 A template is provided to make it easy for NMHSs to develop their NSPs. RA-II RECO
National Strategic Planning cont’d The Handbook is presented in three chapters namely Introduction( Chapter1) ; What is strategic planning?(Chapter 2) and Guide to integrated strategic planning(Chapter 3). Chapter 2.( what is strategic planning?)defines the frequently used strategic planning models used for each strategic planning phase. Chapter 3.(Guide to integrated strategic planning) defines strategic planning phases (Preparatory phase; Assessment and analysis phase; Design and define phase; Implementation phase; and Review and modify phase). RA-II RECO
National Strategic Planning cont’d The Handbook has been verified by NMHSs in RA-I(Africa) and is being used in the region. It is expected to be useful to NMHSs. WMO is committed to provide appropriate support to NMHSs to enable them develop or improve their national strategic plans. RA-II RECO
Conclusions President of RA II submitted WMO-wide and regional priorities for SP 2020-2023. You are encouraged to review the proposed priorities, update them as appropriate and communicate any adjustments to the Secretariat before EC-69. Members are encouraged to review and provide input to the Draft SP 2020-2023 when it will be shared. Members are encouraged to respond to questionnaires on impacts of achieved results. You will be requested in the due course to develop an operating plan for the region once the outline and priorities are approved by the EC. NMHSs are encouraged to use the Handbook and the template, and provide any feedback for improvements. RA-II RECO
Thank you Merci RA-II RECO