Block Upgrades Next Steps & AN-Conf/12


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Presentation transcript:

Block Upgrades Next Steps & AN-Conf/12 Alexander Korsakov Air Navigation Commissioner International Civil Aviation Organization

Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12 A System of Systems Global aviation safety and air navigation efficiency are intrinsically linked, driven by a highly collaborative ‘system of systems’. ICAO works with its global aviation partners to organize these systems based on interdependent action cycles driving continuous improvement, as depicted on the image shown here. Let’s explore this image: The first action cycles are annual, defined by ICAO’s Safety and Performance Frameworks (depicted by the darker blue circles) which coordinate global Standardization, Implementation, Monitoring and Analysis activities in each area. These annual Framework cycles enable the aviation community to collaboratively identify, address and continuously reassess tactical safety and efficiency objectives at the global, regional and national level through the work programmes (illustrated by the blue, orange and green arrows within the inner circles). The second action cycle is triennial (represented by the outermost ring), reflecting higher-level policy adjustments overseen by the Council of ICAO to the Global Aviation Safety Plan and Global Air Navigation Plan. These Plans will be addressed later in this briefing. Both Global Plans are reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission, approved by the Council of ICAO and endorsed by the General Assembly. The Global Plans’ targets are refined on a complementary basis and reflect conclusions derived from the cumulative three-year Framework reporting period. At the highest level, both the Global Aviation Safety Plan and Global Air Navigation Plan are linked by: Council oversight, continuous improvement approaches, their shared goal of fostering improved cooperation sector-wide, and lastly the levels of investment they require from States and industry in order to succeed. All of these cycles and goals are multidisciplinary and interrelated, highlighting the need for a strongly proactive and transparent strategic vision to unite the aviation community around them. The Global Aviation Safety Plan and Global Air Navigation Plan provide this vision, enabling stakeholders to anticipate and efficiently manage air traffic growth while proactively addressing existing and emerging safety risks. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Synchronizing the System of Systems RASGS REGIONAL EFFORTS – PIRGS, RASGS, Priorities? Requests? ICAO ASSEMBLY & BUDGET STAKEHOLDERS DATED/ NON-EXISTENT GLOBAL REPORTS AND PLANS PIRGS With an inter-connected and synchronized system, information flows much easier between each element, and the entire process is much more transparent. Here we can see how both cycles flow together in relative sequence per triennium – from the release of the Global Plans, to the regional reports, and then to the Global Reports, which I will talk about later during this briefing. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

ICAO’s Strategic Approach As part of this synchronization process, both the Global Aviation Safety Plan and Global Air Navigation Plan are being revised. The Global Plans, taken together, now define a cohesive and integrated policy-based approach for the progress of air transport, outlining a harmonized and interdependent ‘system of systems’ that dynamically coordinates global safety and air navigation objectives. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

ICAO’s Strategic Approach This new strategic approach is the culmination of the collaborative and multidisciplinary efforts that are increasingly defining how the global aviation community is meeting its challenges. The Aviation System Block Upgrades concept presented in the revised Global Air Navigation Plan is being extensively reviewed by States, ICAO’s aviation partners and industry stakeholders. It provides the potential to increase system capacity and efficiency while significantly decreasing aviation’s impact on the environment. Version 4, revision 1 of the Global Air Navigation Plan will be presented to the 12th Air Navigation Conference as an ICAO Working Paper. A second revision will be produced after the Conference, based on the feedback received and will be reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission and presented to the Council of ICAO for approval, in the first quarter of 2013. Both plans will be presented to ICAO General Assembly for endorsement, in September 2013. Moving forward, ICAO will update the Global Plans one year prior to the General Assemblies. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Integrated Planning through Block Upgrades By now, you're familiar with the Block Upgrades concept, primarily developed to ensure that aviation Safety is maintained and enhanced, that Air Traffic Management (ATM) improvement programmes are effectively harmonized, and that barriers to future aviation efficiency and environmental gains can be removed, at reasonable cost.    The core of the Block Upgrade concept is a pragmatic system of Modules involving communications, navigation and surveillance capabilities linked to four specific and interrelated Performance Areas, which you’ve heard about today, namely:   Airport Operations; Globally-interoperable systems and data; Optimum capacity and flexible flights; and Efficient flight path. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12 Increased Runway Throughput Through Optimized Wake Turbulence Separation Summary Improved throughput on departure and arrival runways through optimized wake turbulence separation minima, revised aircraft wake turbulence categories and procedures. Main performance impact as per Doc 9854 KPA-02 – Capacity, KPA-06 – Flexibility. Operating environment/ Phases of flight Arrival and departure Applicability considerations Least complex – Implementation of revised wake turbulence categories is mainly procedural. No changes to automation systems are needed. Global concept component(s) as per Doc 9854 CM – conflict management Global plan initiatives GPI-13: Aerodrome design GPI 14: Runway operations Main dependencies Nil Global readiness checklist Status (ready now or estimated date) Standards readiness 2013 Avionics availability N/A Ground systems availability Procedures available Operations approvals Here’s an example of the Module in Block zero that addresses Increased Runway Throughput Through Optimized Wake Turbulence Separation. Like all other modules, it is accompanied by: A summary, The Main performance impact as per as per the ICAO’s Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept Document, number 9854 The Operating environment/Phases of flight The Applicability considerations The Global concept component(s) as per Doc 9854 The Global plan initiatives The Main dependencies The Global readiness checklist These types of tables and the full descriptions of each of the modules are presented in the working papers for the 12th Air Navigation Conference, which are available for download at the ICAO website: Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Benefiting from All the Modules There is added value in using all modules States should view modules in B0 & B1 as critical: Formalizing a minimum track They will allow for benefits down the road in B2 & B3 The Blocks provide a flexible approach to implementation and ICAO recognizes that all the modules will not be necessary in all States or regions. However, it is important to consider that there is added value in using most or all the modules. ICAO urges States to view the modules in Blocks 0 and 1 as critical: formalizing a minimum track. They will allow for benefits down the road, when implementing modules in Blocks 2 and 3. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

The Cost of Not Implementing Focusing on what it will cost if modules are not implemented: Increased risk of serious incidents and accidents Negative impact on operations Environmental repercussions etc. We often talk about the benefits of implementation. But allow me to flip that perspective and discuss the negative impact related to the lack of implementation. Simply put, there is a cost to not implementing the modules. Some of these costs are direct: such as congestion or delays that impact negatively on operations. Other can be indirect yet more significant, such as an increase in accidents or a negative impact on the environment. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Reporting Against the Global Plan… Performance Monitoring of individual modules Air Navigation Report Form Annual Global Air Navigation Report Compare progress across regions Adjust ICAO work programme ICAO will also be reporting against the Global Air Navigation Plan. The Air Navigation Report Form will be the basis for performance monitoring relating to the implementation of the individual Modules at the regional and national levels. ICAO and stakeholders will analyze results and then use them for the development of the annual Global Air Navigation Report. The Report results will provide an opportunity for the global aviation community to compare progress across different regions relating to the establishment of air navigation infrastructure and performance-based procedures. The Report will also allow ICAO to make tactical adjustments to its work programme, as well as triennial policy adjustments to the Global Air Navigation Plan and the Modules of the Block Upgrades. The inaugural Air Navigation Report will serve as a baseline and is planned to be issued in January 2014, and will be available for comments by the planning and implementation regional groups prior to its release. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

…through the Use of GIS Tools ICAO has developed several electronic tools to assist States and Industry. They will allow the Organization to report against the Global Plan. Examples of these tools are shown on screen. Starting from the top-left hand corner, going clockwise, these examples illustrate tools relating to the following: The status of States’ transition from State Aeronautical Information Services to Aeronautical Information Management The World Geodetic System – 1984 (WGS-84) implementation status A study on routes and duplicate designators and, a tracking tool for the Safety Collaboration Assistance Network (known as SCAN), which tracks the status of implementation of on-going projects that ICAO is carrying out internationally, with other stakeholders such as the World Bank. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Tracking Implementation in States & Regions Electronic tools will also help monitor implementation of Modules, or key advances that support them, at a national, regional or international level. Here is an example of a monitoring tool that looks at the status of the ICAO Flight Plan implementation. All these tools are readily avaiable, free of charge, at the following website:, as shown on screen. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Aligning the Conference & the Global Air Navigation Plan CHAPTERS AN-CONF/12 WORKING PAPERS Global Air Navigation Policy 1 WP3 – Revised Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) – framework for global planning WP5 – High-level Conference on Aviation Security (HLCAS) WP13 – Civil/military coordination/cooperation and flexible use of airspace WP25 – Minimum Path Standardization: Aviation System Block Upgrades 2 Continuing Strategic Planning 3 The following diagram illustrates how the working papers for the Air Navigation Conference are aligned with specific chapters of the Global Air Navigation Plan (also referred to as the GANP). All of ICAO’s Working Papers can be downloaded from the Conference website: Chapter 1 of the GANP outlines Global Air Navigation Policy; The Conference’s Working Papers, referred to as “WP” cover the following topics: The Revised Global Air Navigation Plan, as a framework for global planning; The High-level Conference on Aviation Security; Civil/military coordination and cooperation and the flexible use of airspace; and The concept of the Minimum Path. Implementing Globally Interoperable ATM 4 Aviation System Reporting & Performance Adjustments 5 Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Aligning the Conference & the Global Air Navigation Plan CHAPTERS AN-CONF/12 WORKING PAPERS Global Air Navigation Policy 1 Aviation System Block Upgrade Modules on: WP4 – Airport Capacity WP7 – SWIM WP8 – FF-ICE WP9 – Service improvement through digital AIM and ATM information WP10 – Network Operations WP11 – Airborne Separation WP12 – Airborne collision avoidance systems and ground-based safety nets WP14 – Integration of RPA into non-segregated airspace WP15 – Meteorological Information WP17 – TBO WP23 – Standardization – in support of One Sky Standardization: Aviation System Block Upgrades 2 Continuing Strategic Planning 3 Chapter 2 of the GANP outlines Standardization through the Aviation System Block Upgrades and Chapter 3 covers Continuing Strategic Planning The Conference Working Papers in turn cover the Aviation System Block Upgrade’s Modules on: Airport Capacity; System-wide Information Management; Flight and Flow – Information for Collaborative Environment; Service improvement through digital Aeronautical Information Management and Air Traffic Management information; Network Operations; Airborne Separation; Airborne collision avoidance systems and ground-based safety nets; The integration of remotely piloted aircraft into non-segregated airspace; Meteorological Information; Trajectory-based operations; and Standardization in support of One Sky. Implementing Globally Interoperable ATM 4 Aviation System Reporting & Performance Adjustments 5 Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Aligning the Conference & the Global Air Navigation Plan CHAPTERS AN-CONF/12 WORKING PAPERS Global Air Navigation Policy 1 WP6 – PBN for terminal and approach operations WP16 – PBN for en-route operations WP18 – CCO & CDO WP19 – Regional Performance Framework – planning methodologies and tools WP20 – Human Performance WP21 – GNSS implementation issues WP22 – Rationalization of terrestrial navigation aids Standardization: Aviation System Block Upgrades 2 Continuing Strategic Planning 3 Chapter 4 of the GANP outlines the Implementation of a Globally Interoperable Air Traffic Management. The Conference Working Papers in turn cover the following: Performance-based Navigation for terminal and approach operations; Performance-based Navigation for en-route operations; Continuous climb operations and Continuous descent operations ; Regional Performance Frameworks, as planning methodologies and tools ; Human Performance; Global Navigation Satellite System implementation issues; and The Rationalization of terrestrial navigation aids. Implementing Globally Interoperable ATM 4 Aviation System Reporting & Performance Adjustments 5 Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Aligning the Conference & the Global Air Navigation Plan CHAPTERS AN-CONF/12 WORKING PAPERS Global Air Navigation Policy 1 WP24 – Regional Performance Framework – alignment of areas of applicability of ANPs and regional SUPPs Standardization: Aviation System Block Upgrades 2 Continuing Strategic Planning 3 Chapter 5 of the GANP covers Aviation System Reporting & Performance Adjustments. A working paper on Regional Performance Framework will be tabled at the Conference, discussing alignment of areas of applicability of air navigation plans and regional supplementary procedures. Implementing Globally Interoperable ATM 4 Aviation System Reporting & Performance Adjustments 5 Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Desired Outcomes of AN-Conf/12 Endorsement of: Global Plan, as unified planning mechanism Agreement on: Integrated work programme Structure and management of “Expert Groups” Recommendations on ICAO technical work programme: Endorsement for short term Block Upgrades Agreement on Block 1 Clear strategic direction for future infrastructure: Endorsement for medium and long term Block Upgrades Agreement on Blocks 2 & 3 The 12th Air Navigation Conference provides the opportunity for the global aviation community to formalize the near-and mid-term future of aviation infrastructure and airborne equipage in the form of Aviation System Block Upgrades. Let’s have a closer look at the desired outcomes from the Conference. They include: Endorsement that the Global Plan should serve as a unified planning mechanism to ensure harmonization and interoperability, driving regional planning; Agreement on the need for an integrated work programme, which includes the Aviation System Block Upgrades; Agreement that the structure and management of ICAO’s “Expert Groups”; including Panels, Task Forces and Study Groups needs to be organised on a project-oriented basis, in order to be more effective and efficient; Recommendations as to the technical work programme of ICAO through the endorsement for the short term Aviation System Block Upgrades, with notional agreement on those that are presented to the conference as Block One; and A clear and unambiguous strategic direction for future civil aviation infrastructure that provides certainty of investment for both States and Industry without compromising safety. This should be achieved at a reasonable cost, through the endorsement for the medium and long term Aviation System Block Upgrades, with notional agreement on those that are presented to the conference as Blocks Two and Three. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Further Addressing Technical Issues Aviation Data Link: Now and Tomorrow (2014) Next steps for Data Link End-to-end System Demonstration of New ATM Concepts (2014) Flight & Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE) Trajectory-based Operations Human performance aspects Air Navigation Information Management Divisional Meeting (2015) System Wide Information Management (SWIM) Developing strategies for the future means that means we may be dealing with new concepts and ways of doing business. It has come to ICAO’s attention that some technical issues need to be better understood by the community in order to obtain consensus on the way forward. ICAO is conscious that there is still more work to do on technical issues and it is engaging stakeholders to address them. The Organization will hold a series of events to address technical issues. During 2014, these will include a symposium on Aviation Data Link, focusing on Now and Tomorrow, as well as an End-to-end System Demonstration of New Air Traffic Management Concepts, covering Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment, Trajectory-based Operations and human performance. An Air Navigation Information Management Divisional Meeting will take place in 2015, and will address System Wide Information Management , among other topics. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Further Addressing Policies Synergy between 12th Air Navigation Conference & 6th Air Transport Conference: Policy on access and equity Consideration of possible global mandates for key infrastructure needs such as datalink & SWIM Funding/financing of ground equipment & avionics for Block Upgrades Likewise, ICAO is aware that there is more work to be done in the area of policy development. During the 12th Air Navigation Conference, Operational and Technical experts will come to a consensus on what is needed to modernise the aviation system; today and in the future. The work undertaken during the Air Navigation Conference will tie into the 6th ICAO Worldwide Air Transport Conference, which will take place in March 2013. The Air Transport Conference will need to set policies to address the following: Access and equity; such as the concept of “best equipped best served” Consideration of possible global mandates for key infrastructure needs such as datalink and System Wide Information Management; and Funding or financing of ground equipment and avionics as part of the Block Upgrades Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12 Summary Follow-up to previous briefing: Aviation System Block Upgrades Next steps in packaging tomorrow’s aviation system ICAO’s strategic approach Steps leading to 12th Air Navigation Conference For more information: In conclusion, this briefing was intended to provide you with a follow-up to this morning’s briefing, which introduced the concept of the “Aviation System Block Upgrades”. I hope that it gave you the opportunity to become familiar with: the next steps, moving from the development of the concept into its packaging; with ICAO’s strategic approach, which underlies the Block Upgrades; as well as with the series of steps leading to the 12th Air Navigation Conference, and beyond it. For further information on the Conference and on the Aviation System Block Upgrades, I invite you to visit the ICAO website at the address shown on screen. ICAO’s Working Papers for the 12th Air Navigation Conference are available on this website, in all six official languages. Please visit the website to obtain these and other important information relating to the Conference. Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12

Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12 Thank you for your attention! Preparatory Workshop for AN-Conf/12