CCSDS P1J Status Report Fall Meeting, Houston, Texas Dates: Oct 1-4, 2002 Felipe Flores-Amaya NASA/GSFC/Code 453/Code 572 8 Oct 2002 ****************************************************** October 2002
Agenda Accomplishments Joint Panel Efforts Future Work Issues Participants October 2002 P1J Report
Accomplishments (1) RESOLUTION: Request MC to approve promotion of ODM RB to BB, subject to incorporation of updates, based on review RIDs, by December 31, 2002. 1. Completed agency-wide RID review of ODM Red Book. Plan to have final changes incorporated and document ready for promotion to Blue Book by December 2002. Details: · Had extensive discussion on recommended use of PVL or XML, and on reorganization of the ODM red book to separate semantics and syntax. Including a joint session with P2 personnel. 2. Had joint session with P1K regarding on-board timing. · Had exchange of objectives · Got the understanding that P1K is responsible only for dissemination of timing information. · Discussed need to develop a list of contributors to on-board timing error budget · Talked about synchronization and correlation · Struggling somewhat to understand what are all the issues and where (CCSDS panel) these are to be addressed. Need steering from TSG. October 2002 P1J Report
Accomplishments (2) 3. Had joint session with P3 to discuss tracking data transfer services. Details: · Had exchange of objectives. · P1J will provide P3 a Concept of Operations · Discussion about “batch” versus “on-line” or “near-real time” methods · Internally we discussed simple FTP versus ASN.1 (encoded) transfers · Is near-real time always to be associated with ANS.1? 4. Had preliminary discussions and prepared partial write-up of a Concept of Operations on tracking data services for Tracking Data Message. Details: In coordination with P3’s work on tracking data services 5. Continued discussion of object identification issues. Prepared draft set of requirements for forwarding to P3. Details: This is a work in progress, started with the preparation of the GB. P1J developed a list of questions to identify requirements. 6. Reviewed and discussed all open action items October 2002 P1J Report
Joint Panel Efforts Cooperative Activities of P1J · P3: Methods for effecting information exchange: Schedule: - Non-real time - Near real time Data types: - ODM (orbit data) - TDM (tracking data) - ADM (attitude data) · P1K: Requirements on timing for navigation/attitude data Precision of on-board timing Synchronization with ground Getting on-board time (maybe this is the only involvement with P1K?) Note: issues/questions are not entirely clear. Urgency of addressing this item is not clear. So, low on P1J priority list at present. October 2002 P1J Report
Future Work ODM (orbit data messages) Ground to ground data exchange. Finalize red book and get it advanced to blue book, by Dec 2002. TDM (tracking data message) Ground to ground data exchange. Prepare concept of operations (in progress) Organize existing agency standards/methods Draft requirements on TDM ADM (attitude data message) Ground to ground data exchange. Document current technology/techniques (white book/green book) Begin drafting red book (probably similar to ODM red book) Add new material to the Green Book, “Navigation Definitions and Conventions” Schedule: P1J review Nov 15-Dec15, then publish updated version Dec 2002. Next meeting: last week of April 2003, at TBD location, based on MC decision. October 2002 P1J Report
Issues (1) · Seems to be a gap (or lack of understanding) about who is responsible for addressing (leading the addressing of) problems of synchronization between ground and on-board timing. We propose there is a need for a Concept of Operations on timing and we will discuss this with P1K. (Maybe get TSG help in organizing this further work.) · Will P3 be recommending use of some particular syntax (e.g. PVL or XML or ???) for formulation of the basic tracking messages? Potential conflict between idea of using FTP versus ASN.1 transfer methods. Will P3 be recommending one or another method(s) for near-real time or for batch (non-real time) transfers? Will there be requirements/recommendations regarding the syntax for TDMs (as did P2 wrt using PVL or XML for ODMs)? October 2002 P1J Report
Issues (2) REQUEST P1J recommends a substantive plenary be held at the beginning of each set of meetings to help set the context for the meetings, and especially to help identify activities and issues that should/do span multiple panels that don’t normally meet together. October 2002 P1J Report
Participants F. Flores-Amaya (Chairman/NASA/GSFC) C. Acton (NASA/JPL) – Trajectory L. A. Cangahuala (NASA/JPL) – Tracking/Trajectory (via telephone) R. Kiehling (DLR) - Trajectory J. Foliard (CNES) - Attitude J. Guinn (NASA/JPL) – Attitude/Trajectory Mina Ogawa (NASDA) – Trajectory/Tracking S. Pallaschke (ESA/ESOC) - Trajectory October 2002 P1J Report