Applied Technology 7th Grade Elective This course offers students the ability to develop their technology skills in several areas such as communication, design, manufacturing and multimedia. In each of these areas, students focus on a specific technology and examine the supporting principles as they develop their skills in teamwork, decision-making, critical thinking, and problem solving. With these skills, students are able to understand the impact of technology on today’s society and make informed decisions about how they will use, manage, and create technologies in the future.
Key Content Standards Demonstrate skills in teamwork, decision-making, critical thinking, and problem solving Use accurate technology terminology Discuss issues related to acceptable and responsible use of technology. Discuss possible uses of technology to support personal pursuits and lifelong learning. Identify effective uses of technology to support communication with peers, family, or school personnel Demonstrate the features and performance of current graphic design programs.
Key Content Standards Discuss possible societal impact of technology in the future and reflect on the importance of technology in the past. Use digital resources to collaborate with others, to produce animations, digital stories, and editing photos Utilize a computer programming language. Identify types of web sites based on their domain names and file formats for a variety of applications.
Key Content Standards Design and produce an individualized web page. Describe strategies for solving routine hardware and software problems. Use software features to enhance communication with an audience and to support creativity Create an original project using a variety of media (e.g., animations, graphics, charts, audio, graphics, video) to present content information to an audience
Key Content Standards Utilize computer design software to produce technical drawings. Identify and incorporate the steps of the manufacturing process. This may include the design, construction and testing of models (i.e. bridges, racecars, Lego robotics, catapults)
Software Tools & Applications (may be used and not limited to) Productivity Tools: Microsoft Office 2010 (Powerpoint, Excel, Word), GoogleAps Communication and Collaboration Tools: GoogleAps, Word 2010, Moodle, Chatze, Weebly, and Glogster. Digital editing tools: MovieMaker, Photoshop Animation tools: Pivot Graphic Design: Aviary Computer Programmming: HTML, Lego Robotics Programming
Hardware & Materials (may be used and not limited to) Computers & Accessories: Dell Desktops & Laptops with Internet access & laser color printers Cameras: Digital cameras for recording projects Construction Materials Kits and Tools: Model Airplanes, CO2 Cars, Lego Robotics, T-Shirt Iron Press, & Bridges