Fishy Features Web Quest from Mrs Fishy Features Web Quest from Mrs. Winschel-Miner’s Fish Anatomy Academy
Students in grades 2-5 became Apprentice Marine Biologist
We set sail to explore Fresh and Salty bodies of water
Bodies of Freshwater Canal Stream River Swamp Lake Pond
Bodies of Salty Water Ocean Sea Gulf Bay
We Prepared for our Imaginary Scuba Adventure
Ready! Set! Dive!
As an Apprentice Marine Biologist, we observed basic bony fish and their anatomy.
2nd Grade Projects On a scuba adventure, 2nd grade Apprentice Marine Biologist’s were to photograph their favorite freshwater or saltwater fish.
Created a human bar graph with data about their favorite species of fish…
…then they put their data on a bar graph.
2nd grade had to write a Math Statement or question for their graph
2nd Grade – also Graphed - Most water type fish chosen...
2nd grade designed a Pattern Block fish, …
…measured the perimeter of the fish, ...
…labeled the anatomy of a fish, and…
…gave the fish a scientific name.
3rd Grade Projects 3rd grade Apprentice Marine Biologist’s also had to photograph their favorite freshwater or saltwater fish.
Spreadsheets and bar graphs of a class’ favorite species were created with SuccessMaker Enterprise
A pattern Block fish was designed to resemble the species and given a scientific name. - Green Triangle Walking Catfish -
Label the Fish Anatomy
The Area of the fish was measured
4th Grade Projects On the 4th grade Scuba adventure, Apprentice Marine Biologists had to photograph 3 fish from their favorite species
Data was collected on each fish Name Include the scientific name and species Whale Shark Rhincodon typus Whale Sharks Great White Shark Carcharodon carcharias Mackerel Sharks Scalloped Hammerhead Sphyrna lewini Hammerhead Sharks Size What is the actual size? Description To 60' (18.3 m). Total length (TL) commonly to 17'5" (5.3 m); maximum recorded TL 21' (6.4 m). To 13'9" (4.2 m). Body Shape Project: Find the Mean. Round to the nearest inch or foot. Convert feet to inches if necessary Find the Mean –Average Length- of the species
Biologists then had to find the Mean Length of their species Rounded Mean Length Whale Shark 60’ 60’ 17’ +14’ 91’ 30 3)91’ -9 01 -00 r1 Great White Shark 17’5” 17’ Scalloped Hammerhead 13’9” 14’
After finding the Mean Length, Biologists measured…
… and designed a fish
Some fish averaged as small as a few inches….
…to as large as 30 feet. Whale Shark
5th Grade Project 5th Grade Marine Biologists’ reviewed all the data and projects from grades 2 thru 4, completed this PowerPoint presentation with the guidance from Ms. Miner and gave an oral presentation to Kindergarten and 1st grade future Marine Biologists.
As a final Activity Marine Biologists visited an aquarium on the internet at RiverDeep - Course II – Unit 19 and Unit 7