A Healthy Male Organ Requires Proper Rubber Use


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Presentation transcript:

A Healthy Male Organ Requires Proper Rubber Use

When a man is getting it on with a partner, he wants to perform at his best. But he also wants to ensure that he maintains a healthy male organ long after the encounter is over. The best way to assure this is to use a rubber, each and every time. But interestingly enough, many men aren’t sure how to go about using a rubber properly. For those who want to learn more about manhood care and protection, this primer can help. It’s also a great refresher for those who have been using rubbers for years but might have forgotten some key points about safety when using them.manhood care

Tip #1: Use it each and every time. Though it might be tempting to get away without using a rubber ‘just once,’ that can be enough to leave a man with lifelong woes. A rubber protects the delicate manhood skin and keeps bodily fluids separate, which goes a long way toward protecting both partners from anything that might be lurking between them. And don’t just save the rubber for the moment of penetration; it should be worn anytime one person’s intimate equipment gets near another person’s body!

Tip #2: Store them properly. Rubbers seem pretty tough, but there are some things that can very quickly reduce their effectiveness. They should be stored at a comfortable room temperature at all times, and never carried in such a way that would compress the package. For instance, keeping them in the drawer next to the bed is perfectly fine. But keeping them in a glove compartment, wallet or even the medicine cabinet in the bathroom is not a good idea.

Tip #3: Wear them correctly. A member protection does no good if it doesn’t stay on. Ensuring a healthy male organ means understanding exactly how to use a rubber. The biggest point to remember is…well, the point. The end of the rubber should have a reservoir tip which allows a man to release seed into it without risking breaking the rubber with the pressure. A guy should pinch that reservoir tip closed to remove the air, then roll the rubber onto his manhood. He should make sure the rubber rolls as far down the manhood as possible without overstretching it.

Tip #4: Be careful with cremes. Lubricants that aren’t designed for rubbers can quickly erode the material, leading to breakage at the worst possible moment. If using lubrication, look for a water-based creme that will not damage the latex. Lubricants that are oil-based can cause serious problems. To be certain, look for a lubricant that proclaims “rubber safe” on the packaging.

Tip #5: Remove it with care. Removing the rubber is also important. To keep seed from spilling out, a man should hold onto the top of the rubber as the manhood becomes flaccid. As soon as it’s even a little soft, the rubber should slip off easily. Be sure to remove it while a distance away from the partner, so no spills get anywhere near. Dispose of it properly and then take a moment to wash the manhood, if possible – this prevents dryness from lubricants or spermicides that might linger on the skin.

Tip #6: Keep a healthy male organ A healthy male organ depends on regular member protection, but it also depends on good member care outside of the bedroom. A man can achieve this high level of care with a good manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). This crème should contain Shea butter and vitamin E, two natural hydrators that can ease the dryness that is sometimes associated with rubber use. Other powerful ingredients, such as amino acids that fight free radicals and vitamins that stop odor, are also welcome in a great crème.manhood health crème