“A verb that does not follow the rules of the shoe thing” - Peter 2.12.09 “A verb that does not follow the conjugation rules.” -Joey 2.12.09 “A shorter version of the original YO, that thing you wrote on the board.” Kamann 2.12.09 “A verb that doesn’t conjugate like other verbs.” Demetri 2.12.09 “A verb that is irregular, except it doesn’t follow in the yo form. The um, correct rules. The end” - Carissa 2.12.09
ER AR o amos emos o es as an a e en IR o imos es e en
conocer (to know, to be acquainted with) caber (to fit) yo quepo caer (to fall) yo caigo conducir (to drive) yo conduzco conocer (to know, to be acquainted with) yo conozco escoger (to choose) yo escojo dirigir (to direct) yo dirijo
traer (to bring) yo traigo valer (to be worth) yo valgo ver (to see) hacer (to do, to make) yo hago poner (to put, to place) yo pongo saber (to know something - a fact) yo sé salir (to leave) yo salgo seguir (to follow) yo sigo traer (to bring) yo traigo valer (to be worth) yo valgo ver (to see) yo veo
SABER Yo Sé Tú sabes él/ella/ usted sabe Nosotros Sabemos Ellos/ Ellas/ saben Ustedes