Author’s Purpose An author's purpose is the reason an author decides to write about a specific topic. Then, once a topic is selected, the author must.


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Presentation transcript:

Author’s Purpose An author's purpose is the reason an author decides to write about a specific topic. Then, once a topic is selected, the author must decide whether his purpose for writing is to inform, persuade, entertain, or explain his ideas to the reader. What is the AUTHOR’S PURPOSE in writing All Quiet on the Western Front? What is the AUTHOR’S PURPOSE in writing Romeo and Juliet? What is the AUTHOR’S PURPOSE in writing a news article for TIME Magazine?

Theme A topic of discussion or work; a major idea broad enough to cover the entire scope of a literary work. A theme may be stated or implied. Clues to the theme may be found in the prominent and/or reoccurring ideas in a work. Name some themes found in ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT Name some themes found in the STAR WARS or HARRY POTTER movies Name some themes found in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD

Point of View The position of the narrator in relation to the story, as indicated by the narrator’s outlook from which the events are depicted (e.g., first person, third person limited, third person omniscient, etc). The perspective from which a speaker or author recounts a narrative or presents information. The author’s manner in revealing characters, events, and ideas; the vantage point from which a story is told. Write a strong, descriptive sentence in third person point of view. Write the same sentence in first person point of view.

The prevailing emotions or atmosphere of a work derived from literary devices such as dialogue and literary elements such as setting. The mood of a work is not always what might be expected based on its subject matter. The emotional effect that the text creates for the audience Mood - What do you feel is the prevailing MOOD of All Quiet on the Western Front? - What do you feel is the prevailing MOOD of American Horror Story?

Tone The attitude of the author toward the audience, characters, subject or the work itself. Choose ten of the tone terms above to write down.

Information aimed at positively or negatively influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people Name-calling Bandwagon Red Herring Emotional appeal Testimonial Repetition Sweeping generalization (stereotyping) Circular argument Appeal to numbers, facts, or statistics

Bias The subtle presence of a positive or negative approach toward a topic How can you show bias in your own argument writing?

Literary Form The overall structure or shape of a work that frequently follows an established design. Form refers to a literary type, such as: Novel Short Story Poem Drama Novella Essay Article Graphic Novel These can fall under both Fiction and Non-Fiction categories.

Genre A category used to classify literary works, usually by form, technique, or content. List as many genres you can think of!

Denotation and Connotation The dictionary meaning of a word The range of associations that a word or phrase suggests in addition to its dictionary meaning Choose two words and write a denotation and a connotation for each one

Syntax The character Yoda in Star Wars often uses atypical syntax: The pattern or structure of word order in sentences, clauses, and phrases also known as the study of the rules that must be followed to create well-formed phrases, clauses and sentences The character Yoda in Star Wars often uses atypical syntax: Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force.  Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not.  Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.

Claim Defense of a Claim Claim - The position the author establishes. Arguments should be supported with valid evidence and reasoning and balanced by the inclusion of counterarguments that illustrate opposing viewpoints. Defense of a Claim - Support provided to mark an assertion as reasonable.