Patriotic Pride/ Symbols of North Carolina Lauren Gliot
Carried Until After the Civil War “Browne” Flag Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence Secession From the Union Carried Until After the Civil War
Current NC Flag Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence Halifax Resolves
State Seal Liberty Plenty Halifax Resolves State Motto Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence Liberty Plenty Halifax Resolves State Motto
Early State Money
Wright Brothers Flight State Coin Statehood Year Wright Brothers Flight Production Year US Motto of Unity
License Plate
Bibliography "The Great Seal of the State of North Carolina." North Carolina History Project. John Locke Foundation, 2014. Web. 07 Sept. 2014. <>. "The North Carolina State Flag." NState, n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2014. <>.