Time: K-2 (9:30–10:30 a.m.) 3-5 (1:45–2:30 p.m.) Unleash… Your Inner Hero Come dressed as your favorite superhero!*nothing scary, no props, bring change of clothes Time: K-2 (9:30–10:30 a.m.) 3-5 (1:45–2:30 p.m.) Fun Run supports: PTO Power Packs: Enabling Kids on free and reduced lunch to have a nutritious meal over the weekends Technology for the school Educational assemblies on health and technology Classroom activities and after school clubs WAYS TO DONATE: 2017 SUPERHER0 Fun Run Friday, October 20, 2017 $37 per kid will meet our goal! Online donations! Each student creates a s page and sends emails to their family and friends. Online donations from September 15– October 19, 2017 Donations website can be found at http://funrun.lrespto.org Students can collect flat donations from their family, friends and neighbors and turn in their cash or checks from October 10-19, 2017 through your child’s donation packet that will be sent home in mid October. (All donations are tax deductible as LRES PTO Inc. is a 501c non-profit organization.) Calling all parents! Please come cheer or run with your child, dressed up (school appropriate) as imaginary superheroes or real ones like firefighters, policemen, doctors, etc. Create a donation page for your student and email family/friends asking for donations to support the school. Volunteer to help with Water Stations, race set-up and coordination. For volunteer sign ups go to https://lres.ptboard.com Thank you for all your support! We couldn’t do it without you! More FunRun info: Christine Papadopoulos at cmadpapa@gmail.com
Class raising the most money gets a Game Truck Party* Class prizes: $50 - 10 Minutes Extra Recess $150 - Crazy Day (silly socks, backwards clothes, funny hats) $300 - Popsicles $400 - Wear Favorite Sports Team $500 - No Homework Pass $600 - PJ Day $700 - Crazy Hair Day $800 - 20 Minutes Extra Recess $900 - Picnic Lunch Outside $1,000 - Movie Matinee w/Popcorn *Top fundraiser/student: An Electric Razor Scooter *Top funraiser/class: A Class Game Truck Party! 2017 SUPERHER0 Fun Run Friday, October 20, 2017 Class raising the most money gets a Game Truck Party* Poster Contest theme: “Unleash Your Inner Super Hero” and “Calling All Super Heroes!” WHAT: LRES students show off your best ideas and imagination, create an 11’x14” poster that illustrates our FUN RUN theme WHEn: Turn in posters between October 2-12, 2017 WHY: Show us your creativity for our biggest “FUN-raiser” of the year! Grade-level winners will win a small prize and get to lead our whole school during the warm-up lap of our FUN RUN.
Unleash… Your Inner Hero Friday, October 20 (Rain Date is October 23): K-2 7:45–9 A.m. Volunteers arrive. 8:25–8:35 a.m. Volunteers/parents check in with the office with valid ID. Students get class pictures taken in classrooms. 9:45 a.m. K-2 arrives at the UPPER field and are called by classes to come through the tent. Class pictures at the top of the field before coming down. (And the crowd cheers!) 9:55 a.m. National Anthem. 10:00 a.m. Grades K-2 Poster Contest Winners announced and first lap. 10:05 a.m. Fun Run Begins! Parents– come cheer or run with their student. Themed laps field. Water stations at tables. 10:30 a.m. Fun Run ends. Grades 3 -5 1:45 p.m. Grades 3-5 arrive at the UPPER field and are called by classes to come through the tent. Class pictures at the top of the field before coming down. (And the crowd cheers!) 1:55 p.m. National Anthem. 2:00 p.m. Grades 3-5 Poster Contest Winners announced first lap. 2:05 p.m. Fun Run Begins! Parents– come cheer or run with their student. 2:30 p.m. Fun Run Ends. Check out the LRES PTO Page at pto.pwcs.lakeridgees.schoolfusion.us or Like Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PTO.LRES and click on Fun Run Many Thanks To Our Corporate Donors for Their Support! 2017 SUPERHER0 Fun Run Friday, October 20, 2017
ONLINE Fundraising starts September 15–October 19 HOW TO WIN BIG FOR YOUR CLASS! Beat the competition by creating your own fundraising page! In 3 easy steps 1. Go to funrun.lrespto.org and click "sign up" to create your account. 2. Select from either Student or Family team type! Student: Fundraiser page for an individual student. Family: Add multiple students and all donations are split equally. 3. Share your page with your family, friends, Facebook friends, and twitter followers! 2017 SUPERHER0 Fun Run Friday, October 20, 2017 MAKING DONATION EASY! Sometimes change is hard, we do our best to make it easy! Making Donation Easy needs changes: 1. Go to funrun.lrespto.org and click make a donation 2. Select the team or student you want to make a donation to. 3. All donations are made securely thanks to Paypal! Still have Questions? – email funrun@lrespto.org