Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Michel Grothe, Geonovum Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, September 11-12, 2008
NSDI vision and implementation strategy NSDI playing field Agenda NSDI vision and implementation strategy NSDI playing field Standards framework for the NSDI National SDI components for IM Information model public safety SDI Portal for public safety Challenges Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
1. NSDI vision and implementation strategy for 2008-2011 (GIDEON) Objectives: Public and businesses are able to retrieve and use all relevant geo-information; Businesses able to add economic value to government-provided geo-information; The government will use information for each location in its work processes and services; Continuing development and innovation of the key facility. Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Current Status GIDEON: adopted by GI council and send by the Minister of VROM to the parliament (June). Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
GIDEON - Implementation strategies Embedding geo in e-Government Legal geo basic registration INSPIRE implementation Optimization of supply Chain control Value adding Knowledge, innovation and education Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Embedding geo in E-Government Main aims: Reduce administrative burden Service for companies and civilians Effective and efficient government Geo-information part of Dutch E-Government programme: Basic services: key-registers, authentication, one stop integral services etc. Geo-information available in the front offices for companies and civilians The minister VROM is responsible for the coördination of the geo-information in the Netherlands. We focus on matters and subjects between and over public organisations and institutions like standards and basic key-registers. Geo-information is an important part of the E-government programme. Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Legal basic registrations (including geo) Main aims: Reduce administrative burden Service for companies and civilians Effective and efficient government Spatial Planning ACT Information-exchange subsurface nets ACT Niet - Adres Gebouw Perceel natural person company address building parcel topography Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands large scale map subsurface Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008 6
Optimization of supply Coordination of all public sector geo-registers and privately owned source data Make available in digital form free of problems in locating, assessing and exchanging (supported by national geo-register) Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
2. NSDI playing field in the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) co-ordination of geo-information Council for geo-information (GI Council) June 2006 advisory council of Ministry of VROM strategic agenda on geo-information in the Netherlands: key geo-registration: Addresses, Buildings, Parcels, Topography and more accessibility and availability of public geo-information Dutch NSDI and INSPIRE Cadastre (incl. National Mapping Agency) Legal task for management of key geo-registrations and national portals: Topography, Parcels, Addresses and buildings (with municipalities), Cables and pipes ... Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
The Dutch public geo-information playing field National Agencies, provinces, municipalities and waterboards Responsible for management thematic geo-registrations for supporting their public tasks Dutch NSDI and INSPIRE National organisations 15 - 20 Provinces 12 Water boards 27 Municipalities 443 Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
The Dutch public geo-information playing field Space for Geo-information (RGI) 2004 – 2009 Innovation programme Strengthening the knowledge infrastructure for SDI’s Geonovum April 2007 Facilitate public sector to effectively and efficiently access and exchange of geo-information Develop, manage, support and stimulate use of national geo-standards and other NSDI components (e.g. national geo-register) Facilitor of GI-council for realisation of the national SDI: Public safety , Environment, Spatial Planning & Education Knowledge centre geo-standards and geo-architecture in eGovernment Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Overview Dutch geo-information playing field Player Role Ministry VROM Political responsibility GI- council SDI ownership Cadastre Legal task for management of key geo-registrations and national portals National agencies, provinces, municipalities , waterboards Legal task GI production Public sector tasks in data production Integration of GI in (e)Government business Geonovum Facilitator realization SDI Knowledge centre geo-standards Space for Geo-information Innovation impulse Private sector Value adding and GI production Education and Research Knowledge exchange and development Users Civil rights and citizenship, market power Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
3. Framework of standards of Dutch SDI Develop, manage, support and stimulate use of national geo-standards: Framework adopted by national Standardisation Board metadata information models services NEN3610 IMRO IMWA IMWE IMKICH TOP10NL IM . . Uitwisseling - GML Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Framework of standards of Dutch SDI Metadata standards Dutch Metadata profile for datasets and dataset series (based on ISO 19115) Dutch Metadata profile for services (based on ISO 19119) Metadata exchange standard based on ISO 19139 Catalogue service standard based on OGC CSW ISO AP 2.0.2 Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Framework of standards of Dutch SDI Information models NEN3610 organisation- specific IMRO IMWA IMWE IMKL IMKAD IMGBR IMGeo IMBOD IMOOV IMGR ISO IMKICH TOP10NL ISO standards, e.g. ISO 19109 national standard (abstract terrain model) sector standards, e.g. IMOOV for incident management exchange Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
5. Framework of standards of Dutch SDI Services standards Based on NORA, the Dutch government reference architecture (services oriented) Geoservices part of services oriented architecture of e-government Geoservices = OGC services, e.g. WMS, WFS, CSW, etc. Early stage of e-government integration, e.g. service registers Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Standards and Testbeds Memorandum of Understanding between Geonovum and GeoBusiness NL Organise testbeds to help public organisations with implementation of NSDI standards Started in 2008 Several testbeds (in preparation): Metadata interoperability Transactions i.r.t. EbXML Sensor web enablement OpenLS (vehicle tracking an tracing) Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
4. SDI components for Incident Management Major shortcomings information management in disastermanagement in the Netherlands by cie. ACIR, march 2005 Access to information Sharing the same information Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
SDI components for IM (1) Information model public safety Geo-information exchange model for public safety based on NEN 3610 (abstract terrain model) Describes geo-information to be shared for 3 incident types: Fire in large buildings Road accidents High water situations Convergence of existing entities from sector specific information models Exchange in GML Including a cartografic standard for uniform map representation of features) Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Information model main classes Resources Organisations People Incident Maplayers Situationplot Victims Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Accessibility maps Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008 Vehicles involved
Cartografic standard for the common operational picture Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
SDI components for IM (2) SDI portal for public safety LARGE SCALE MAP TOPOGRAPHY ROADS ANIMALS PEOPLE TRANSPORT INFRA ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES HEIGHT WATER SUBSURFACE Common Operational Picture A single identical display of relevant information shared by more than one command. A common operational picture facilitates collaborative planning and assists all echelons to achieve situational awareness.” Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
SDI portal for public safety is frontrunner for the NSDI Version 1.0 SDI portal for public safety (2008) SDI with 30 web mapping services from 8 public organizations (incl. map viewer) Extranet, Service Level 24*7 Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
4. Challenges Improving accessibility of public geo-information Realization of metadata catalogs and data services Implementation of standards: Information model public safety Testbeds Organisation issues Roles & division of tasks Institutional arrangements for SDI implementation National SDI shared service centre (national facilities) Resources Knowledge development (e.g. standards) Lack of resources, esp. IT people Innovation New programme (follow-up Space for Geo-information) Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008
Thank you for your attention! Barchman Wuytierslaan 10, 3818 LH Amersfoort P.O. Box 508, 3800 AM Amersfoort, The Netherlands Tel. + 31 (0) 334 604 100 Building a national SDI Approach and strategy in The Netherlands Incident Management Summit Amsterdam, september 11-12, 2008