Transnational Corporations! Learning Objectives: 1) Identify the role of TNC’s. 2) Recognise and assess the positive and negative impacts of TNCs in LEDCs. Starter: Make a list of as many global companies as you can think of! E.g.: Global companies: McDonalds, Primark, Nike.
What is a TNC? Trans National Corporations (TNCs) are companies that operate globally. They tend to have their headquarters and management in their parent country and other factories around the globe. E.g. Nike is from the USA, but has branch factories in South East Asia.
TNC’s Whilst they provide the world with products and can boost economies, they have also been accused of being inconsiderate of local people and the environment. Liquid waste from a Coca Cola bottling plant in India.
Make a list of as many positive impacts of TNCs in LEDCs In Pairs! Make a list of as many positive impacts of TNCs in LEDCs Form a list in pairs: list of negative and positive impacts
Your Activity! 1) Read through the impacts of TNCs in LEDCs. 2) Using 2 colours highlight which impacts are positive and which are negative. 3) Write your own impact in the blank box provided. 4) Rank them in order of best impact – worst impact. 5) Explain your ranking choices
Coca-Cola Case Study Watch the video and answer the questions on the impacts of Coca-Cola in India. 2) Research further impacts using the internet, organise your notes into the 3 different impacts (S,E,E). Social impacts Economical impacts Environmental impacts
How is Coca cola trying to be sustainable?
Plenary! Based on what you have learnt already, do TNCs have a positive or negative influence in the world? * Think about the way in which the company affects society, the environment and the economy * Negative Positive
Homework! Produce a case study which illustrates the winners and losers of a TNC. How are they a winner/loser? Key points needed: *Profit *Where they are located (more than one place. You could plot this on a world map) * Amount of workers *Workers earnings * What they produce