An Empirical Study of the Performance July 30, 2003 An Empirical Study of the Performance of Preprocessing and Look-ahead Techniques for Solving Finite Constraint Satisfaction Problems Zheying Jane Yang Constraint Systems Laboratory Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln Under the supervision of Prof. B.Y. Choueiry
Outline Motivation & results Background Experimental design and empirical study Results and analysis Conclusions & relation to previous work Summary of contributions Future work
1. Motivation CSP used to model NP-complete decision problems Search (exponential) is necessary, improved with Preprocessing algorithms: remove inconsistent combinations prior to search Look-ahead algorithms: remove inconsistencies during search Preprocessing Search w/ look-ahead CSP Smaller CSP Solution(s)
Algorithms studied & goal Several competing algorithms Preprocessing: removes inconsistencies prior to search Arc-consistency: AC3, AC2001 Neighborhood inverse consistency (NIC), requires search Look-ahead: filters search space during search Forward checking (FC) Maintaining arc-consistency (MAC) Controversies about their relative performance exist Our goal is to characterize empirically the relative performance of combinations of preprocessing and look-ahead schemes as a function of the CSP’s constraint probability & tightness
Current beliefs & results Our results: We specify when the above claims hold or not Bessière & Régin 2001 AC3 vs AC2001 AC2001 is better Claims Issue Freuder & Elfe 1996 NIC is better AC vs NIC MAC vs FC Haralick & Elliott 1980 Nadel 1989 Bessière & Régin 1996 FC is better MAC is much better MAC is the winner in large spase CSPs FC is the winner in dense CSPs Sabin & Freuder 1994 Grant 1997 Gent & Prosser 2000 Preprocessing Look-ahead No winner performs extremely well on all types of CSPs
2. Background
What is a CSP? A CSP problem is defined as a triple P=(V,D,C) Z Y X {(b,c), (b,d)} {(b,e), (a,f)} {(c,e), (d,f)} {c,d} {e,f} {a,b} A set of variables For each variable, a finite set of possible values. A set of constraints restriction the values that the variables can take simultaneously. The goal is to find One solution All solutions
Solving CSPs with systematic BT search Backtrack search is sound and complete, but exponential expands a partial solution explores every combination systematically Improve performance of search Preprocessing (constraint filtering/propagation) Look-ahead (constraint filtering during search) Backtracking: chronological/intelligent Variable & value ordering: static/dynamic, heuristic etc. Preprocessing (constraint filtering/propagation) Removes inconsistent combinations, which reduces the size of the problem and the corresponding space 2. Intelligent backtraking 3. Variable ordering and value ordering (etc=symmetry, decomposition)
Solving a CSP We study the performance of Preprocessing Look-ahead Preprocessing Following an assignment, removes values from the domains of the future variables that are inconsistent with the current assignment. Enforces different levels of local consistency by deleting inconsistent values from variable domains Algorithms: AC3, AC2001, NIC Algorithms: FC & MAC Say a few words about AC3/2001: guarantee the same property, but are different implementations. AC2001 uses special structures Say that NIC guarantees a stronger consistency than AC in general, but it requires some Introduce: past, current,future variables Say how FC and MAC work. Forward Checking (FC) algorithm Checks forward each time to make a new instantiation Each time a variable is assigned a value, it will restrict the domains of future variables. Remove inconsistent values from the current domain. If current domain is wiped out backtrack occurs. We study the performance of Preprocessing Hybrid search = preprocessing x look-ahead algorithms
Preprocessing a graph coloring problem {R, G} {G} {R, G, B} V1 V3 V2 V3 {R, G} {G} {R, G, B} V1 V2 {R, G} {G} {R, B} V1 V3 V2 {R} {G} {R, B} V1 V3 V2 {R} {G} {B} V1 V3 V2
Solving CSP using forward checking (FC) {R, G} {G} {R} V1 V3 V2 Start
Solving CSP using forward checking (FC) Start Domain wiped-out backtrack
Solving CSP using forward checking (FC) {R, G} {G} V1 V3 V2 Start Domain wiped-out backtrack
Solving CSP using forward checking (FC) {R, G} {G} {B} V1 V3 V2 Start
Solving CSP using forward checking (FC) Start V1 V2 V3 V1 {B} V2 V3 {R} {G}
Solving CSP using forward checking (FC) Start Solution!
3. Experimental design & empirical study
Algorithms tested Preprocessing Look-ahead AC3 AC2001 FC MAC-AC3 NIC Preprocessing: 5 algorithms Look-ahead: 3 algorithms Hybrid search: 7 combinations
Working assumptions Considered only binary constraints Restricted to finding first solution Restricted to chronological backtracking Use least domain (LD) as variable ordering heuristic Variable ordering done dynamically No value ordering heuristic, too costly in general
Problems tested Random CSPs We need many instances with similar characteristics in order to analyze the performance of search Real-world problems cannot be controlled by explicit parameters to enable statistical analysis of the performance Generated instances connected graphs instances guaranteed solvable
Control parameters < n, d, C, t > Number of variables n We choose n = 50 Domain size d (uniform) We choose d = 10. Thus, problem size is 1050, relatively large Constraint tightness t = (uniform) We vary t = [0.1, 0.2, …, 0.9] and t = [0.05, 0.1, …, 0.95] Number of constraints C determines constraint probability p= , Cmax= n(n-1)/2 We vary C = [20, 490] corresponding to p = [0.024, 0.4] We report C = 30, 50, 80, 120, 130, 245, 340, 490 Disallowed tuples All possible tuples C Cmax
Comparisons Evaluation criteria Filtering effectiveness measures reduction of CSP size Number of constraint checks #CC measures filtering effort Number of nodes visited #NV measures backtracking effort CPU time [ms] measures overall performance Since constraints are defined in extension, CPU time reflects #CC Preprocessing: Filtering effectiveness, #CC, CPU time Hybrid search: #CC, #NV, CPU time
Sampling and code characteristics Evaluated performance by running each algorithm on 30 CSP instances of equal characteristics, calculating average & standard deviation values for each evaluation criterion Generated approximately 6,000 CSP instances Implemented in JAVA: 21 JAVA classes 4,000 lines of code Experiments carried out on
4. Results and analysis Part I: Preprocessing Part II: Hybrids
Preprocessing: filtering effectiveness NIC reduces search space at a large amount
Preprocessing results » Better than, comparable p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.1 0.1 p < 0.2 p 0.2 Filtering effectiveness Filtering effectiveness increases with p NIC-MAC-x » NIC-FC » AC3 AC2001
CC (NICx) >> CC (AC3, AC2001) Preprocessing: #CC, sparse CSPs CC (AC3) > CC (AC2001) CC (NICx) >> CC (AC3, AC2001)
Preprocessing: #CC, denser CSPs NIC becomes prohibitive When p=0.2, NICx are all costly NIC should never be combined with MAC
Preprocessing results » Better than, comparable p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.1 0.1 p < 0.2 p 0.2 Filtering effectiveness Filtering effectiveness increases with p NIC-MAC-x » NIC-FC » AC3 AC2001 #CC AC2001 » AC3 » NICx Never use MAC with NIC
Preprocessing: CPU time When p > 0.2, NIC-x is too costly
Preprocessing results » Better than, comparable p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.1 0.1 p < 0.2 p 0.2 Filtering effectiveness Filtering effectiveness increases with p NIC-MAC-x » NIC-FC » AC3 AC2001 #CC AC2001 » AC3 » NICx Never use MAC with NIC CPU time AC3 » AC2001 » NICx
Preprocessing: summary When to use what p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.1 0.1 p < 0.2 p 0.2 ACx Preprocessing not effective Not effective Effective NIC-x Quite effective Effective, but MAC too costly Too costly, avoid AC2001 is not significantly better than AC3, and is not worth the extra data structures In general, we disagree with Bessière and Régin NIC-x: powerful filtering, but too costly. Use it on large problems when checking constraints is cheap
Hybrids: #CC, p = 5%, 11% When p < 0.05: ACx is not effective,ACx-FC are costly, NIC-FC-FC is OK, NIC-MAC-x is best When p > 0.10: avoid MAC, stick with FC
Hybrids results » Better than, comparable When to use what NIC-MAC-Acx » NIC-FC-FC » AC-MAC-x » ACx-FC NIC-FC-FC » NIC-MAC-ACx AC-MAC-x CPU time #CC & When to use what p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.10 0.10 p < 0.15 0.15 p < 0.2 p 0.2 FC Avoid FC FC dominates MAC MAC dominates Avoid MAC NIC NIC helps NIC still helps ACx ACx useless
Hybrids: #CC, p= 15%, 28% As p increases: MAC deteriorates, NIC becomes expensive, use ACx-FC
Hybrids results » Better than, comparable When to use what NIC-MAC-Acx » NIC-FC-FC » AC-MAC-x » ACx-FC NIC-FC-FC » NIC-MAC-ACx AC-MAC-x ACx-FC » NIC-MAC-Acx CPU time #CC & When to use what p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.10 0.10 p < 0.15 0.15 p < 0.2 p 0.2 FC Avoid FC FC dominates MAC MAC dominates Avoid MAC NIC NIC helps NIC still helps NIC deteriorates Avoid NIC ACx ACx useless AC-x starts to work ACx helps
Hybrids: #NV At phase transition, NIC and MAC do powerful filtering but influence of MAC is stronger
NIC-MAC-Acx » AC-MAC-x AC-MAC-x » NIC-MAC-ACx Hybrids: summary » Better than, comparable p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.10 0.10 p < 0.15 0.15 p < 0.2 p 0.2 NIC-MAC-Acx » NIC-FC-FC » AC-MAC-x » ACx-FC NIC-FC-FC » NIC-MAC-ACx AC-MAC-x ACx-FC » NIC-MAC-Acx #NV NIC-MAC-Acx » AC-MAC-x » NIC-FC-FC » ACx-FC AC-MAC-x » NIC-MAC-ACx » ACx-FC » NIC-FC-FC CPU time #CC & When to use what p < 0.05 0.05 p < 0.10 0.10 p < 0.15 0.15 p < 0.2 p 0.2 FC Avoid FC FC dominates MAC MAC dominates Avoid MAC NIC NIC helps NIC still helps NIC deteriorates Avoid NIC ACx ACx useless AC-x starts to work ACx helps
5. Conclusions Preprocessing Look-ahead AC3 vs. AC2001: AC2001 is not significantly better than AC3, and is not worth the extra data structures In general, we disagree with Bessière and Régin NIC-x: powerful filtering, but too costly Use it on large problems when checking constraints is cheap Look-ahead MAC vs. FC: performance depends on constraint probability and tightness. MAC only wins in low p and high t In general we disagree with results of Sabin, Freuder, Bessière & Régin
Relation to previous work (I) NIC is better than AC Freuder & Elfe 1996 The instances tested were all with low probability (p < 0.05). In this region, AC is ineffective. MAC is better than FC Sabin & Freuder 1994 They tested CSPs with low probability (p = 0.018-0.09), and relatively high constraint-tightness (t = 0.15 – 0.675). In our study, MAC is effective in this region, but not outside it. MAC is better than FC Bessière & Régin 1996 The instances tested were also in the region of low probability (p = 0.017, 0.024, 0.074, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.15), except instance#1 and instance#2, with relative high probability (p = 0.3, and 0.84). But here they test only 2 instances
Relation to previous work (II) Gent & Prosser 2000 questioned validity of previous results on MAC. They concluded that: in large, sparse CSPs with tight constraints, MAC is winner in dense CSPs with loose constraints, FC is winner. Grant 1997 showed that FC is winner on small CSPs with all range of probabilities All concluded that: “A champion algorithm which perform extremely well on all types of problems does not exist.” Our characterizations are more thorough and precise.
6. Summary of contributions Random generator that guarantees solvability Empirical evaluation of the performance of 7 combinations of preprocessing and look-ahead Uncovered (restricted) validity conditions of previously reported results Summarized best working conditions for preprocessing and look-ahead algorithms Developed a Java library with 7 hybrid algorithms
7. Directions for future work Compare to other, less common filtering algorithms, e.g. SRPC, PC, SAC, Max-RPC Debryune & Bessière 2001 Combining these preprocessing algorithms with intelligent backtrack search algorithms Validate results on larger CSPs, real-world applications, non-binary Test and analyze the effect of the topology of constraint networks on the performance of search
Acknowledgments Dr. Berthe Y. Choueiry (advisor) Dr. Sebastian Elbaum Dr. Peter Revesz Ms. Catherine L. Anderson Mr. Daniel Buettner Ms. Deborah Derrick (proof reading) Mr. Eric Moss Mr. Lin Xu Ms. Yaling Zheng Mr. Hui Zou