OptiFrame WP1: Project Management Lancaster University Centre for Transportation Systems and Logistics (CENTRAL) Lancaster, March 24th 2017
Table of Contents Project Objectives Expected Project Outcome Project Structure Project Schedule Current Project Status WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 Concluding Remarks
Project objectives (1/2) Main objective Application of principles of mathematical modelling and optimization to configure and assess the performance of the Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) concept. Viability of the concept Major issues (e.g., barriers, constraints, stakeholders’ expectations, etc.) Whether and to what extent the objectives of flexibility of airspace users and predictability of the ATM system can be achieved 3
Project objectives (2/2) Research questions How TBO aligns with SESAR Master Plan? What are the barriers, enablers and potential benefits from the TBO concept implementation? How stakeholders priorities and preferences can be incorporated into mathematical models? What are the scalability issues associated with the development and implementation of these models and algorithms? 6
Expected Project Outcome (1/4) Development of a framework to address the identified objectives and provide guidance to decision makers on the potential and conditions of deployment of the TBO concept. This framework, consisting of mathematical models, solution algorithms and conditions of applicability, can be used: as a “simulator” to fully understand the benefits and limitations of the TBO approach; to investigate trade-offs between different competing objectives relevant to the TBO concept ; as an engine for the preliminary identification, on a daily basis, of promising ATM interventions regarding the ECAC-wide area. 4
Expected Project Outcome (2/4) Innovative aspects of the proposed approach It explicitly takes into account the route preferences and flight criteria and priorities of the airspace users. Holistic view of the ATM system (by considering all ATM system components for the entire ECAC area). 5
Expected Project Outcome (3/4) Expected project impact Project impact will be assessed in relation to ICAO’s KPIs Capacity Access & equity Cost effectiveness Efficiency (environment) Flexibility Predictability 7
Expected Project Outcome (4/4) Expected impact on SESAR target concepts Moving from airspace sectors to 4D Trajectory Management Traffic Synchronisation Network Collaborative Management and Dynamic Capacity Balancing Airport Integration and Throughput 8
Project Structure (1/2) Project work breakdown (WPs) WP1 Project Management [ULANC] WP2 State-of-the-art and Stakeholder Expectations [CFR] WP3 Data Management [CFR] WP4 Modelling of TBO [ULANC] WP5 Development and Implementation of Solution Algorithms (exact and heuristic) [ULANC] WP6 Validation of the OptiFrame approach in normal and disturbance cases [NLR] WP7 Implications for Decision Makers and Dissemination of results [EUROCONTROL] WP8 Ethics requirements [ULANC] 9
Project Structure (2/2) Interrelation of project activities WP5 Development & Impl. of Algorithms WP1 Project Management WP2 State-of the-art and Stakeholder Expectations WP3 Data Management WP4 Modelling TBO WP6 Validationon of OptiFrame Approach WP7 Implications for Decision Makers and Dissemination 11
Project Schedule 10
Current Project Status 12
Project Schedule Mid-term review 10
WP1: Project Management Objectives: To develop and implement a project management plan, To carry out the overall administrative and financial project management, To manage contacts with SESAR JU and European Commission, To manage the new knowledge generated by the project, To monitor quality and ensure timely delivery of project results, To establish effective internal and external communications procedures, To coordinate the interaction of the project with all relevant stakeholders, To develop and implement a project risk management plan.
WP1: Project Management Status: ongoing Resources: Output: D1(D1.1): Project Management and quality plan – submitted and approved. 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Partners Effort available Effort used Effort TOTAL ULANC 5.00 2.64 2.36 NLR -- ECTRL CFR
WP2: State-of-the-art and Stakeholder Expectations (1/2) Objectives: To review the current state of development of the TBO concept, To review the state-of-the-art Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) literature, Consultation with the ATM stakeholders (NM, ANSP, AU) to identify their expectations, preferences and priorities in relation to the TBO concept. Status: completed 13
WP2: State-of-the-art and Stakeholder Expectations (2/2) Resources: Output: D7(D2.1): Technical report reviewing the state of the art on ATFM – submitted and approved, Stakeholders’ Workshop – successfully organized. 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Partners Effort available Effort used Effort TOTAL ULANC 4.00 3.25 0.75* NLR 1.00 2.50 -1.50* ECTRL 2.00 0.90 1.10* CFR 0.00 14
WP3: Data Management (1/2) Objectives: Goal: provide ATM instance data required by the OptiFrame Tools for testing and validation purposes Expected output: Data Management Platform (DMP). Routines for data extraction and for the generation of ATFM algorithms input data [MS5, D3.1] Tasks 3.1: Design of the DMP. Analysis of requirements and data sources, modular design of DMP. 3.2: Implementation of DMP. Basic data extraction routines, procedures for instance generation. Task 3.3: Validation of DMP. Cross-checking instance coherence. Execution of ATFM instances. Status:
WP3: Data Management (2/2) Resources: Output: Modular design of the DMP [MS3 – 08/16] – completed, Implementation of the initial DMP [MS4 – 10/16] – completed, Implementation of the final DMP and DMP validation [MS5 – 02/17] – first version completed, D8(D3.1): Routines for data extraction and for the generation of ATFM algorithms input data – submitted (February 2017), Integration test and execution of ATFM instances for Optiframe validation – ongoing. 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Partners Effort available Effort used Effort TOTAL ULANC -- NLR ECTRL 0.50 0.10 0.40 CFR 10.00 8.00 2.00
WP4: Mathematical models for TBO (1/2) Objectives: Task 4.1: Develop trajectory based optimisation models for the ATM system. Task 4.2: Model the ATM stakeholders’ preferences and priorities. Status: completed 17
WP4: Mathematical models for TBO (2/2) Resources: Output: D9(D4.1): Mathematical model for TBO – submitted (28th February 2017). 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Partners Effort available Effort used Effort TOTAL ULANC 11.00 8.21 2.79* NLR 4.00 0.00 ECTRL 0.50 0.30 0.20* 0.5 CFR 2.00 18
WP5: Solution algorithms (1/2) Objectives: Design and implementation of heuristic algorithms Work performed so far: initial implementation of a simple heuristic Design and implementation of exact optimization algorithms implementation of the model to be solved using commercial solvers, formulation of the column-generation version of the problem Computational comparison of the algorithms Status: ongoing
WP5: Solution algorithms (2/2) Resources: Output: D10(D5.1): Heuristic algorithm for TBO model (30 June 2017), D11(D5.2): OptiFrame computational framework (31 October 2017). 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Partners Effort available Effort used Effort TOTAL ULANC 19.00 1.52 17.48 NLR 4.00 0.00 ECTRL -- CFR 1.00 0.30 0.70
WP6: Validation of the approach (1/2) Objectives: Task 6.1: Identification of disturbances and operational scenarios of TBO Task 6.2: Qualitative assessment of OptiFrame models in normal and disturbance cases In progress Task 6.3: Assessment of the OptiFrame computational framework in normal and disturbance cases Status: ongoing 21
WP6: Validation of the approach (2/2) Resources: Output: D1(D6.1): Disturbances and operational scenarios for TBO – submitted (January 2017), D13(D6.2): Qualitative assessment of OptiFrame models in normal and disturbance cases – in progress (30 JUN 2017), D1(D6.3): Detailed assessment of OptiFrame models in normal and disturbance cases (31 JAN 2018). 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Partners Effort available Effort used Effort TOTAL ULANC 1.00 0.00 NLR 9.00 2.50 6.50 ECTRL 0.50 0.15 0.35 CFR 2.00
WP7: Implications and dissemination of results (1/2) Objectives: Task 7.1: Setting up of the project website Task 7.2: Dissemination of results in progress Task 7.3: Implications for the Decision Makers Task 7.4: Organization of a workshop Status: ongoing
WP7: Implications and dissemination of results (2/2) Resources: Output: D16(D7.1): Project Web Site Initial set up – completed and approved Updating website – continuous activity, D17(D7.2): Final Project Results Report (December 2017). 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR Partners Effort available Effort used Effort TOTAL ULANC 1.00 0.72 0.28 NLR 0.00 ECTRL 1.50 CFR 0.20 0.80
WP8: Ethics requirements Objectives: To ensure compliance with the ethics requirements set out in this work package Status: ongoing Output: D8.1: POPD – Requirement No. 3 – submitted and approved. D8.2: POPD – Requirement No. 1 – submitted and approved.
Concluding remarks Work has been performed and delivered according to schedule, All submitted deliverables have been accepted, The dissemination activity has been satisfactory and will be intensified in the second year, Work has been performed without exceeding resources Some transfer of resources from WP4 to WP1, WP5 and WP7 is foreseen.
Thank you very much for your attention! OptiFrame Project Management Thank you very much for your attention!