Powder Springs Elementary School ESOL Open House English for Speakers of Other Languages PSE ESOL Blog http://psesol.weebly.com/ ESOL Teachers Kelly Williams: Kindergarten, Second, Fourth, and Fifth Grades Alice Sodjago: First and Third Grades
Powder Springs Elementary School Mission: Invest, Inspire, Innovate with Integrity Vision: Investing in tomorrow by engaging creative minds today. CCSD ESOL Program Mission: Cobb County School District (CCSD) ESOL Program mission is to help ensure the English language development and academic success of English Learners (ELs). The ESOL Program aims to work with all teachers at all grade levels and administrators of ELs to provide high-quality instructional programs designed to develop proficiency in English, while meeting challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards. Vision: To be the district leader in Georgia in ensuring the academic success of every English language learner as demonstrated by the annual increases in the percentage of children (a) making progress in learning English, (b) attaining English proficiency by the end of each school year, as determined by a valid and reliable assessment of English proficiency, and (c) making progress toward meeting academic reading and math goals for the English Learner subgroup.
WIDA Screener W-APT Why was my child screened for ESOL services? She/He speaks English.
How long will my child receive ESOL services?
Summary of the ESOL Program ESOL teachers check the Home Language Surveys (HLS) of ALL newly registered students. If a language other than English is indicated on the HLS, the student is given a placement test for the ESOL program. If the student qualifies for services, parents are notified of initial placement into the program and the student begins receiving services. ESOL Students receive language support for 45-50 minutes every day. ESOL teachers use language standards along with the GSE content standards that classroom teachers use to support student achievement. Every January-March students take the ACCESS 2.0 test to measure their progress in English language proficiency. The score on this test determines whether or not a student exits the program. PSE ESOL Blog http://psesol.weebly.com/
People You Should Know Debbie Broadnax, Principal Kenyatta Redding Frederick, Assistant Principal Carey Hardman, Support and Services Administrator Lisa Daves, Parent Facilitator Insert ESOL mission and vision here. Dr. Beth Ruff & LaShawn Thomas, School Counselors
How can you stay involved? Join PTA and attend PTA meetings. Interpreters are requested to attend all PTA meetings. Become a parent volunteer. Attend Curriculum Nights Participate in W.I.G.S Make sure your child is doing homework. Look over your child's homework each night. Ask your child to explain what he or she is learning. Make sure that assignments are completed. If possible, find a quiet place for your child to study and set aside time each evening for homework. L PSE ESOL Blog http://psesol.weebly.com/
Multi-Cultural Night The Student, Family & Community Involvement team along with the PSE Arts Integration Foundation will be hosting a Multi-Cultural Night in the spring, and we need your help! Does your family have a special tradition, food, game, or talent that you would like to share with the PSE community? During our Multi-Cultural Night, we will have a flag parade where students will be invited to make or bring in a flag that they already have to represent their family’s home country. Students will be able to participate in the parade with their flags. We will then have games, food to sample, and performances all presented by YOU—our PSE families. All families are invited to participate and share a piece of their culture with us.
What can you do to help your child? Talk to your child. Two languages are better than one! It is okay to speak to your child in your home language. Read with your child. If you feel more comfortable with your home language, please read to your child in your home language. This will not delay his or her learning of English. Your child should be reading for 20 minutes or more every night. L
How can I find books on my child’s reading level? Ask your child’s homeroom teacher for his/her independent guided reading level, DRA or lexile level. Use the reading level chart to see where your child falls. Go to your local library and tell the library your child’s reading level not the grade level. Go to https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/bookwizard/ Choose a grade level filter (PreK-K, 1-2, 3-5). Browse books. The levels are listed with the books. You can purchase books through Scholastic or Amazon. You can also look for the titles at the local library. Library cards are free!
What can you do to improve your English? What can you do if you did not finish your education in your home country? ESOL Parent Resources Adult ESOL Classes at McEachern United Methodist Church Chattahoochee Technical College--FREE GED Prep and ESOL Classes
Visit our Powder Springs ESOL Blog http://psesol.weebly.com/ Information about ESOL Current Events Student Resources Parent Resources