CEO ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS Presented by Ken Solow, DG 2015-16 Rotary District 7620
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL CORE COMPETENCIES TEST (2016-2017 Version) This special ten (10) hour two (2) day exam is given each year to all Rotary Club President-Elects. The comprehensive President-Elect exam measures Presidential abilities in all aspects of Rotary Leadership and Management skills. This test demonstrates high levels of face validity, inter-rater reliability, and is statistically significant at the P>.01% levels. The current (2015-16) pass/fail ratio is 46.7.
CEO ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS What are your club’s hopes and aspirations for you? Don’t screw up the Club. Don’t screw up the Club’s programs. Don’t embarrass us in front of the community.
How can you best meet your Club’s expectations of you? ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO How can you best meet your Club’s expectations of you? Do NOTHING!!!
Three skills for you to master ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO Three skills for you to master 1. Be a positive force for change in your Club. 2. Find, motivate, and teach the right people. 3. Define your Club’s goals and objectives, set your priorities. (short and long-term thinking)
PETS: Club Self-Assessment ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO PETS: Club Self-Assessment ≤ 20 Club members. Membership ≤ to three years ago. Foundation giving < $100 per cap APF. Laugh out loud <3X during meeting. 8 Rotarians or less do 100% the work in your club.
Individual Club PETS Training ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO Individual Club PETS Training “Relax…What’s got into you?” “That’s not the way we do it in our club.” “We can’t do that in a volunteer organization!” “We tried that before 8 years ago.”
Rotary President Six-Step Success Guarantee ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO Rotary President Six-Step Success Guarantee
CEO ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS #1 Find Your Go-to Team You already know who they are. They will share your joy, passion, and enthusiasm. It’s more fun to serve with your friends.
CEO #2 Agree on the Plan ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS What are the two most important things you want to accomplish during your year? Note: If your plan is strategic consult past-president’s and president-elect. Consult the Club’s Board.
About Strategic Plans… ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO About Strategic Plans… Is your service product exciting, engaging, and important? What important problem is your club solving in your community? The plan could be, “create a plan.”
CEO #3 Write it Down ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS You don’t have to be Thomas Jefferson, just WRITE IT DOWN. Transparency for the whole club. Accountability Specificity How to measure success.
#4 Recruit your Committee Chairs ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO #4 Recruit your Committee Chairs Share the vision. Ask them for a written plan for what they hope to accomplish during their year. Ask them to become an expert in their committee. Your job is to find the right people for the right committees.
#5 Get the whole club involved ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO #5 Get the whole club involved It’s not about you or your committee chairs. The problem with Type A’s in volunteer organizations. Regardless of what you want to achieve, if you get the bottom-up, enthusiastic participation of your club…..IT WILL HAPPEN.
#6 Hold everyone accountable ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO #6 Hold everyone accountable Make sure your expectations are clear. Stick to it. Schedule it. Be positive. Repeat…..Be positive. Brainstorm / Problem solve. Have fun….does anyone need another business meeting to report to “the boss?”
SOME BAD NEWS! (Ken Solow opinion #642) ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO SOME BAD NEWS! (Ken Solow opinion #642) Rotary’s greatest weakness is the decentralized management of its clubs. Club Presidents spend little time creating strategic plans, building their organization, finding and motivating people, and spreading our message to the community. Each club has the complete freedom to fail.
SOME GREAT NEWS! (Ken Solow opinion #643) ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS CEO SOME GREAT NEWS! (Ken Solow opinion #643) Rotary’s greatest strength is the decentralized management of its clubs. There are virtually no corporate barriers to any one Club’s desire, determination, vision, imagination, and willingness to serve their community. Each club has the complete freedom to succeed!
CEO ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS SHOCK & AWE July 2, 2017 New District Governor, Ronnie Chantker, to address the Nation Special Edition SHOCK & AWE New Rotary Club Presidents Take Control: “This year will be different!” From Wire Reports District 7610 – Eye witnesses are reporting today that dazed and stunned Rotary District 7610 Club Officers and Committee Chairs are wandering aimlessly through the streets after encountering the overwhelming positive force and vision of their new Club Presidents. “It was incredible,” said one Committee Chair while being treated for shock….. Districts 7600 -7630 – Eye Witnesses are reporting today that dazed and stunned Mid-Atlantic Rotary District Club Officers and Committee Chairs are wandering aimlessly through the streets after encountering the overwhelming force and vision of their new Club Presidents. Medical personnel are overwhelmed by the sheer number and severity of the cases they are treating. “It was incredible,” said one Committee Chair while being treated for shock…..
CEO ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENT AS Presented by 7620 DG Ken Solow Subscribe to the Ready, Fire, Aim Rotary blog