A Framework for Time and Talent
1997 Bishop’s Document – “Renewing the Vision – A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry Advocacy Catechesis Community Life Evangelization Justice and Service Leadership Development Pastoral Care Prayer and Worship
Total Parish
Advocacy Open your mouth in behalf of the (mute), and for the rights of the destitute; Open your mouth, decree what is just, defend the needy and the poor. (Prv 31: 8 – 9) As a Church, we need to provide strong moral leadership; to stand up for those who are voiceless and powerless in society.
Advocacy We must remember to focus on the families with the greatest need. This is the “option for the poor”.
Advocacy As a parish – how are you using your resources and the talents of your parishioners, to help shape a society which is more respectful of the life, dignity and the rights of all people. Bulletin Inserts – Providing Election Information Information on Health Care Issues Community Issues (Housing, Transportation)
Catechesis The Church’s efforts to make disciples. Helps develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Christian community.
Catechesis Promotes the faith development in all people, families and generations. Helps enrich and expand the understanding of Scripture and sacred tradition. A total response of the whole person, mind, heart, and will
Catechesis How does Catechesis in your parish go beyond elementary, middle school, high school PSR and Catholic Schools? Adult Formation Marriage Preparation Baptism Preparation RCIA Promotion and Participation in Diocesan Pastoral Ministry Program Catechist Formation
Community Life Builds an environment of love, support, appreciation for diversity, and judicious acceptance that models Catholic principles. Develops meaningful relationships. Nurtures Catholic Faith.
Community Life Is nurtured when the atmosphere is welcoming, comfortable, safe, and predictable. Is encouraged when our actions are inviting, supportive, and gospel based.
Community Life The content of our message will be heard only when it is lived in our relationships and community life. To teach compassion, generosity, tolerance, peace, forgiveness, acceptance, and love as gospel values and to identify ourselves as Christians require us to live these values in our interactions with all people.
Community Life Would you classify your parish as a welcoming parish? Parish Picnic’s/Socials Welcoming New Members Visiting Shut-ins, families with little children Is there a welcoming/safe presence in your parish?
Evangelization Shares the good news of the reign of God Invites people to hear about the Word Made Flesh. Invites others into a deeper relationship with Christ, empowering them to live as his disciples.
Evangelization Proclaims Jesus Christ and the Good News so that others will come to see in Jesus and his message a way to live. Witness our faith in all aspects of our lives. Reach out to others by meeting them in their various life situations, building relationships and providing healing, care and concern.
Evangelization What things are happening – that provide an opportunity for the community to say “Wow – look at what they are doing.” Living Stations Nativity Scenes Lenten Luncheons
Justice and Service Our faith calls us to work for justice To serve those in need To pursue peace And to defend the life, dignity, and rights of all people.
Justice and Service Our efforts to feed the hungry, console the bereaved, welcome the stranger, and serve the poor and vulnerable must be accompanied by concrete efforts to address the causes of human suffering and injustice.
Justice and Service What Justice and Service Elements are taking place in your parish Mission Trips Food Banks Gift packages at Thanksgiving and Christmas
Leadership Development Calls forth, affirms, and empowers the diverse gifts, talents, and abilities of all people. It develops and nurtures leaders within the faith community.
Leadership Development Remember – “Total Parish” Remember – “Calls Forth All People” Are the gifts and talents of every parishioner being called forth, nurtured and used? Called and Gifted Ongoing Stewardship Committee and efforts Vocation Awareness
Pastoral Care Compassionate presence in imitation of Jesus’ care of people, especially those who were hurting and in need.
Pastoral Care Most fundamentally a relationship. A ministry of compassionate presence.
Pastoral Care Pastoral care enables healing and growth to take place within individuals and their relationships. It nurtures growth toward wholeness, and it provides guidance in decision making and challenges obstacles to positive development.
Pastoral Care A ministry of compassionate presence in my parish. Hospice Support when lives are lost Other Things Drugs/Alcohol Domestic Violence Divorce/Widowed/Separated
Prayer and Worship Celebrates and deepens our relationship with Jesus Christ through the bestowal of grace, communal prayer, and liturgical experiences.
Prayer and Worship Awakens our awareness of the Spirit at work in our lives. Incorporates us more fully into the sacramental life of the Church, especially the Eucharist. Nurtures our personal prayer life. Fosters family rituals and prayer.
Prayer and Worship How is prayer being nurtured in your parish? Is there full and active participation in Liturgies? Adoration Music Small Group Bible Study or Prayer Groups Word Working
A Framework of Time and Talent Four Areas of Ministry Single/Youth, Family, Church, Community Two Ministry Settings Gathered vs. Non-Gathered
A Framework of Time and Talent Single/Youth Family Church Community Advocacy Catechesis Life Evangelization Justice and Service Leadership Development Pastoral Care Prayer and Worship
A Framework for Time and Talent Creator God At Baptism, we accepted the call to follow Jesus. Be with us as we move along on our faith journey. Send us your Holy Spirit, that we might have wisdom for the journey. Help us to develop and share our gifts as good stewards, that we may use them in love and service in your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.