Group Dynamics Guru (Lev Vygotsky, Gestalt theorists) Kurt Lewin Group Dynamics Guru (Lev Vygotsky, Gestalt theorists)
National Training Labs MIT Leadership Theory – three styles of leadership Applied the Gestalt Theories
Influenced David Kolb g/experience.htm
4MAT Bernice McCarthy was influenced by David Kolb who has his own l 4mat.html
Connections "Fortunately I experienced Max Wertheimer's teaching in Berlin and collaborated for over a decade with Wolfgang Köhler. I need not emphasize my debts to these outstanding personalities. The fundamental ideas of Gestalt theory are the foundation of all our investigations in the field of the will, of affection, and of the personality." --From A Dynamic Theory of Personality, 1935
Resources ajorthinkers/p/bio_lewin.htm a/leadstyles.htm quotes/a/lewinquotes.htm ***