Biases in Managerial Decision Making Biases resulting from attention and memory related constraints Biases resulting from underprocessing Biases resulting from overprocessing
Biases Resulting from Attention and Memory-Related Constraints Salience and vividness effects Context effects Biased assimilation Pseudodiagnosticity
Attention and Memory Related Contraints...
Subjective values as a function of gains versus losses
Pseudodiagnosticity Success Rate 100% 70% 0% Success Rate Success for New Other Consulting Success rate Product Ventures Firms’ Success Rate For New Products (one consulting firm) for New Products without Consulting Firms
Biases Resulting From Underprocessing The representativeness heuristic (similarity-based judgment) The availability heuristic (memory-based judgment) The simulation heuristic (imagination-based judgment) The anchoring-and-adjustment heuristic
Preference reversal Choice of gamble Choice of gamble Gamble A Gamble B Gamble A Gamble B Anchor of Outcomes Anchor of Probabilities
Biases Resulting From Overprocessing Correspondence bias Using irrelevant analogies The perseverance effect The dilution effect Premature cognitive commitment Overcorrection for blatant sources of bias Overinterpretation of random events
7 Habits...