Reviewing Graduation Requirements BSHS Programming Reviewing Graduation Requirements
School Counseling Department ROMINA MCEACHERN A-C Ext. 233 ELL Chair BENITA HOLMES D-H Ext. 234 CST Chair JOE MARTINO I-Mc Ext. 257 Dept. Head MANDY RASCHKE Me-R Ext 232 AP Chair JENNIFER YOUNG S-Z Ext. 231 Access Chair MINDY EDGEMAN College & Career Counselor Ext. 293
Graduation Requirements 24 total credits Passing scores on the 10th grade FSA Reading and Algebra 1 EOC Minimum unweighted GPA of 2.0
Graduation Requirements 4 English Credits 4 Math Credits Including Algebra 1 and Geometry 3 Science Credits Including Biology 3 Social Studies Credits World History, US History, Government/Economics 1 HOPE Credit 1 Performing/Fine Art Credit 8 Elective Credits Online/Virtual Course At least one course must be completed online
Virtual Credit Requirement Within the 24 credits required for graduation, you must complete one course online If you take a whole credit class (ex: HOPE), you must complete both semesters online to meet the online requirement If you take a half credit class (ex: Peer Counseling), then that one half credit meets the online requirement Register online at Begin at any time, but it’s a good idea to finish your online course before senior year Courses can be completed over the summer
Testing Requirements – FSA Reading Passing score on the 10th grade FSA Reading is required for graduation Your score on the FSA Reading will impact your schedule for next year If you don’t pass the FSA Reading this year, you will have a reading class on your schedule next year for the full year Per Mrs. Rocha, APC, guidance won’t be able to drop the reading class, even if you pass the FSA at some point next year
SAT/ACT Concordant Scores Juniors and Seniors who have not passed the FSA can use the SAT or ACT to meet the reading requirement Concordant Scores: SAT – 430 Reading or 24 on Reading Sub-Scale ACT – 19 reading Reading concordant scores may be changing (increasing) If you don’t pass the FSA Reading, you should register for an SAT and an ACT as soon as you get your FSA scores June SAT and/or June or July ACT
SAT/ACT: How Do I Register? SAT: Links to both websites on the BSHS Guidance page Fee Waivers Free SAT practice Your Khan Academy and Collegeboard accounts should be linked, so now is the time to practice Junior SAT School Day in March
Testing Requirements – Algebra 1 EOC Passing score on the Algebra 1 EOC is required for graduation Your score on the Algebra 1 EOC will impact the math class on your schedule next year
Algebra 1 EOC Comparative Score Students who have taken but not passed the Algebra 1 EOC can use the PERT to meet the math testing requirement Comparative Score PERT – 97 PERT Math The PERT will be given here at BSHS You can also take the PERT at any HCC campus If you don’t pass the Algebra 1 EOC before the end of the year, you can take the PERT at HCC over the summer before school starts next year.
Calculating GPA Letter Grade Quality Points A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 F Grade point average is based on quality points, which are earned every nine weeks Letter Grade Quality Points A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 F
Calculating GPA A half credit (0.5) is earned by passing a semester course Final semester grade is determined by each 9 week grade and the semester exam GPA is only impacted by semester grades 1st 9 Weeks + 2nd 9 Weeks Exam Grade = Semester 1 Total 3rd 9 Weeks + 4th 9 Weeks Exam Grade = Semester 2 Total
Grading Procedures
Calculating GPA Student Transcript Example English A = 4 Math B = 3 Science B = 3 HOPE C = 2 Elective 1 F = 0 Elective 2 D = 1 Elective 3 D = 1 7 total credits attempted Add 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 =14 14 (Points) divided by 7 (classes) equals an unweighted GPA of 2.0
Tutoring Opportunities English Tuesdays, 3:15-4:15, Room 239 Math Wednesdays, 3:15-4:15 Room 280 - Algebra 1, Liberal Arts Math, Math for College Readiness Room 273 - for Geometry, Geometry Honors Room 275 – Trig, Analytic Geometry, Pre-Calc, Advanced Topics Room 277 – Algebra 2, Algebra 2 Honors Science Thursdays, 3;15-4:15 Room 219 – Biology Room 208 – Chemistry Room 204 – Physics
Tutoring Opportunities Social Studies Wednesdays, 3:15-4:15 Room 298 – US History, US History Honors Thursdays, 3:15-4:15 Room 252 – World History, World History Honors For other classes and electives, see your individual teachers NHS Lunch Tutoring Thursdays in the media center during your lunch period Get a pass from the media center
Programming Reminders You must get your teachers to sign off on their recommendations for your academic classes for next year
Programming Reminders Each numbered line should have either one full credit course or two half credit courses listed If you select a half credit elective, make sure you select another half credit course for the second semester
Programming Reminders Yearbook Students interested in taking Yearbook (Journalism 2 and above) don’t have to have taken Journalism 1 You must get an application from Ms. Cruz in room 259 Applications will be due to Ms. Cruz no later than December 22nd Physical Education Personal Fitness Trainer – For students interested in becoming personal trainers Girls Only Weight Training Girls Only Soccer Girls Only Aerobics
Dual Enrollment Courses The following dual enrollment courses are offered after school English Composition 1 College Algebra American History 1 & 2 College Success The following dual enrollment courses are offered during the school day Meteorology (semester 1) Astronomy (semester 2) You must have a minimum unweighted State GPA of at least 3.0 and college ready test scores to take dual enrollment classes
Course Descriptions Descriptions for all courses can be found on the Bloomingdale High School Website Link is on the top right of your programming sheet
New Courses for 2018-2019 Technology CTE Dual Enrollment Digital Design 2 Honors Visual Technology Foundations of Robotics Honors Robotic Design Essentials Honors Tech Support Systems Specialty Honors/CSIT Foundations Honors Java Programming Essentials Honors CTE Culinary Arts 5 Social Media Literature in the Media Dual Enrollment Meteorology Astronomy English Composition 1 Descriptions for all courses available online at