Welcome to Third Grade Malcolm S Welcome to Third Grade Malcolm S. Mackay Elementary School Tenafly, New Jersey 2017-2018
Introduction Third Grade Teachers Mrs. Erin Burns Ms. Anne-Marie Tully Mrs. Diane Voltolina
Mrs. Voltolina-22 students Third Grade Classes Mrs. Burns-22 students Ms. Tully -21 students Mrs. Voltolina-22 students
Mackay Expectations Dream Big and Make It Happen! Take Care of Yourself Take Care of Others Take Care of this Place
Classroom Expectations Raise your hand before you speak. Stay seated during independent work times. Be polite and use kind words. Take pride in yourself and your work. Treat others and their belongings with respect. Compliments: In order to promote positive behavior and interactions between students, we give compliments to students when they make good choices.
Equity and Differentiation Desk Arrangements Whole Class Instruction Group Work Partner Work Small Group Instruction Independent Work
Student Expectations and Responsibilities Neatness Organization Speaking and Listening Independent Workers
Color Coding System Math-Orange Literacy-Red Writing-Yellow Science-Green Social Studies-Blue Spanish-Purple
Back to School Night Folder Daily Schedule Available in the Back to School Night Folder
Conferences & Grading Policy Conference Dates: November 30th and December 1st March 22nd and March 23rd Genesis Report Cards 1-Not Meeting Expectations 2-Aprroaching the Standard 3-Meeting the Standard 4-Exceeding the Standard
Academic Curriculum Schoolwide Reading and Writing Programs Balanced Language Arts/Literacy Mathematics Schoolwide Reading and Writing Programs Map Assessment for Reading and Language Grammar Word Study Everyday Mathematics Program Spiral Approach Unit Tests Everyday Math Games Family Letters-Answer Keys Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication (3 minute-timed tests)
Academic Curriculum Science Social Studies Weather and Climate Food Chains and Webs Solar System Conflict Resolution World Explorers Colonization of the Americas Map Skills
State Assessment PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers DATE: TBD English Language Arts / Literacy Mathematics
Homework Nightly independent reading assignment (30 minutes) Math: Home Links pages Word Study Exercises Additional assignments Daily Agendas: Parent signatures and notes
Class Trips The Tenafly Nature Center Van Cortlandt Manor Chaperone Expectations The Tenafly Nature Center Van Cortlandt Manor Other Science Related Activities If you volunteer to join us on a class trip, you must devote your full attention to the safety of the students in your group.
Germs Absences: Homework is not given until the 2nd day Handwashing Clorox Wipes Tissues Coughs and Sneezes
We are a peanut and tree nut free school. Classroom Allergies We are a peanut and tree nut free school. We follow a strict NO SHARING policy!
Parent Teacher Communication Phone E-Mail Mrs. Burns eburns@tenafly.k12.nj.us Ms. Tully atully@tenafly.k12.nj.us Mrs. Voltolina dvoltolina@tenafly.k12.nj.us Mackay Main Number 201-816-7700 Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.