American Revolution
American Revolution America was under English Control Not too much enforcement Other wars to fight Far away Started to become a profitable country Started French and Indian War (1763) England felt colonists should pay for war Started raising taxes
American Revolution England started tightening its control over colonists Colonists were not happy Protesting Zenger Trial Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre
American Revolution Continental Congress met Started Revolution 1st meetings about how they should handle English Situation Wrote Declaration of Independence Signs of John Locke and Montesquieu Natural rights Started Revolution
American Revolution Many battles broke out Battle of Saratoga British won most of them Native Americans, slaves sided with Britain Battle of Saratoga 1st major American victory Convinced France to support colonists Provided many supplies, ammunition, and soldiers Later Netherlands and Spain helped French and colonists together were too much for British to handle
American Revolution British surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia Treaty of Paris Recognized the independence of the United States New government was formed Articles of Confederation- failed Constitution- success Enlightenment ideas
American Revolution Assignment Pretend that this class is breaking away from North Farmington High School and creating a new school. Write your own declaration of Independence Must include Introduction statement 5 grievances about NFHS 5 ideas about your new school Closing statement Name of school