** Capitalist Revolution “2nd Industrial Revolution” & “The Gilded Age” 1860s 1870 1890 1900 ** Capitalist Revolution Important things to understand about this era in U.S. History: ** Time of Individualism 1862 - Legislation developing the West: Homestead Act, Land Grant Act, Pacific Railway Act 1870’s and 1880’s - Settling the Plains 1860’s and 1870’s - “Rise of Big Business” – Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Morgan, Rockefeller, etc. 1870’s to 1890’s - American Politics / an Age of Corruption & the Political Urban Machine
Write the following questions in your notebooks, in preparation for a short video clip from “America: The Story of Us – Cities” (16:00 – 22:40): (1) To what did the name “roughnecks” refer? (2) Two out of five “roughnecks” … (3) What makes the innovation of skyscrapers possible?
Skyscrapers Become Possible Elisha Otis – first “safe” elevator Steel Frame Buildings
Development of Modern America
What concept is this?
What is Nativism? “Nativism” is a policy of favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants. ** Very negative connotation, with a racist and highly negative cultural sentiment.
Growth of Urban America ** The term “urbanized area” denotes an urban area of 50,000 or more people. ** About 82% of U.S. pop. lives within “urbanized area” (Dec., 2010). 1860 – 20% urban 1900 – 40% urban 1920 – 51% urban
Growth in Industrial Employment % of Workers in U.S. Economy % of Entire U.S. Economy Year Agriculture Industry Services 1840 68 12 20 47 21 31 1850 60 17 23 42 29 1860 56 19 25 38 28 34 1870 53 22 35 1880 52 32 1890 43 26 41 37 1900 40 33 39
Formation of Unions & the Development of “Modern” America
Many families chose to have their children work … [1] With both parents working, children joined factories [2] Economic necessity for poorer families