Intro to Biology
What is biology? The study of life Biology offers a framework for asking and answering questions about the natural world.
Characteristics of Life All living things share 6 characteristics allow us to define what is living and what is not
1.Cells and Organization Cells are the smallest unit of life All living things are organized in some way Ex: all humans have 2 legs, 2 arms, a torso, a neck, and a head
2. Response to Stimuli Stimulus = a physical or chemical change in the environment Living things are able to react to these changes Homeostasis = maintaining stable levels of internal conditions (ex. temp)
3. Has DNA DNA is the genetic material which gives all living things their individual traits Passed down by parents
4. Metabolism (Using Energy) All organisms use energy to power life processes Ex: photosynthesis, food intake
5. Growth and Development Increase in size Accomplished through cell enlargement or cell division Development Process of becoming a mature adult
6. Reproduction Producing more organisms Necessary for the survival of a species Ensures passing on of favorable traits
Major Themes in Biology Biological systems Cellular Processes Form and Function Reproduction and Inheritance Interactions with the Environment Adaptation and Evolution Energy and Life Regulation What examples can you give of each of these themes?