Summer School 08 Welcome to Active learning: Maths4life 26th June 2008 Viv Brown Regional Coordinator NE Anne Fieldhouse Regional Coordinator NW
Aims of the day Explore active learning approaches to teaching and learning embodied in: Improving learning in mathematics, and Thinking Through Mathematics Facilitate the sharing of practice and encourage networking Model a range of coaching skills Enjoy mathematics! Order ‘Thinking Through Mathematics’ from Scroll down the home page – see bottom right corner
2.09 Posters Starter Activity 1 Work in twos or threes to produce a poster All you know about …….. 2.09 When and Why posters?
‘We can work it out!’ Activity 2 - Work in twos or threes - Look at the set of statements on the cards - Work together to solve the problem Taken from ‘We can work it out!’ – collaborative problem solving for mathematics Anita Vickery & Mike Spooner (2004) ATM
Cannot reach agreement Sort the statements into groups Agree Disagree Cannot reach agreement You may modify any card in order to reach a consensus
The Washing Line Ordering numbers Simpler measurements 2. More complex Bribery and Corruption in Fractions?? The use of Dolly Mixtures!