Our World Science in Welcome to 3/4 Summative Night. We are delighted to have you here. Your child’s work will be located in their classrooms or in the gallery areas listed. Thank you for coming! Enjoy!! Located in the Hardt/Pasero Cluster Literature and More: Soda Bottle Book Reports Pizza Box Reports All About Me Narratives Tree of Thanks Personal Narratives Cereal Box Book Reports Imaginative Narratives Geography: Globes Shoe Box State Reports MATH: Division posters Science: Electricity Lap Books Energy Projects Located in Heese/Cohen Cluster Literature and More: Cereal Book Report Personal Narratives Imaginative Narrative Turkey Talk: Persuasive Essay Synonym Garden Dead Words Geography: Me on the Map Math: Division Poster Fractions “Figure me out” Located in Frazier’s Classroom Literature and More: Paper Bag book Reports Imaginative Narrative Turkey Talk: Persuasive Essay Synonym Garden Grave Yard Dead Words Geography: Me on the Map Science: Electricity Lap Books Technology: Reading Discussion Boards
Performance in the Cafeteria ¾ Gallery Area Bristlebots Location: STEM room and the 5/6 Gallery Area Performance in the Cafeteria 3rd Grade 5:45 p.m. 4th Grade 6:00p.m Science in Me Poster: We explored a variety of science-related career opportunities. Rock Posters: We can describe the three kinds of rocks and how they are formed. Sundial Pictures: We learned how shadows change based on the position of the sun. Earth Models: We can identify the four main layers of the Earth. Flash Lights: We learned about parallel and series circuits Country GLOGS: located on the Monitors in the ¾ Gallery area Special Thanks to Mrs. Soporito, Mrs. Haidle, Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Gabaldon For the Signs and to all parents who gave their time for setting up. STEM 3rd Grade 6:00 4th Grade 6:30