How to Live More Gently on Earth Steps to Take For Us in the United States to Lower Resource Consumption Reduce Water Use Remove front lawns: Plant vegetation adapted to your area (Xeric Landscaping). Collect cold water in buckets from showers and faucets until hot and use water for plants. Wash cars on lawns or take to carwash that recycle water. Don’t wash sidewalks and driveways: sweep. Use water efficient washers, low flow toilets, and shower heads. Don’t over water lawns or gardens; put on timers; turn off when wet season (no need to water if nature does).
Recycle As Much As You Can Bring Hazardous Waste to Collection Centers (oil, oil filters, batteries, light bulbs, paint). Use Reusable Bags at Stores (no plastic). Cut Down On Fossil Fuel Use Use fuel efficient cars (hybrids, electric). Stack up trips around town. Use mass transit if you can; bike/walk short distances. Hang clothes on cloth line (don’t use dryer on sunny days).
Don’t Buy Produce Out of California/U.S. Conserve Electricity Learn to eat produce in season. Conserve Electricity Turn out lights when not in a room. Don’t leave on T.V.s and radios when not using. Put outside lights on timers/light sensors. Use power strips on radios, stereos, computers, T.V.s so all power can be turned off when not in use. Install Solar Panels on House (if you can afford it).
Keep Vehicles Running Well Keep tires inflated to correct pressure. Don’t bitch about smog testing. Don’t Have Trees Trimmed or Thinned. Support Environmental Legislation! (Be smart though; know what is really happening in community, California, U.S., and the World.)