Ch 7 Sec 3 Money and Elections
Campaign Spending is Increasingly Important While the text focuses on the “rules” of money in politics, its more important to know the trends of spending and the different types of money and groups. The rules are ever evolving and constantly changing.
Candidates and Sources of Funding There are two basic sources of campaign money. Private (The bulk of money is this; from a multitude of sub-sources) Public (5% threshold in previous elections to qualify)
Private Sources There are many different types of private sources: Small contributions- $5 to $10 donations from unknown donors Wealthy donors (these are disclosed) Candidates personal finances Political Action Committees (PAC)
The Federal Elections Commission This is the small group that is empowered to monitor and regulate elections in this country. 6 members confirmed by the senate-tends to be split politically They have a very difficult job as there are limited resources at their disposal They have four responsibilities: Require timely disclosure of campaign finance data Limit campaign contributions Limit campaign expenditures Provide public funding for presidential election cycles
Disclosure Cant donate in another's name Gifts of over $100 are prohibited Foreign sources are prohibited Only one campaign committee is allowed per candidate Anything over $200 must be logged and dated Anything spent over $200 must be logged and dated as well And contribution over $5000 must be reported within 48 hours.
Limits on Contributions This has drastically changed in the past few years. Contributions are nearly unlimited through a combination of methods at this point
PACs There are two types: Political arms of companies or unions Unconnected issues groups
Hard Money, Soft Money Hard Money-raised specifically for a campaign Soft Money-funds given to a party for general use Hard money tends to be regulated better (in the past at least) than the use of Soft money Bottom line: spending has increased with more loopholes and less understanding where the money is coming from.