Career Fair 2015 Get ready to network with company representatives! Fall 2015 Career Fair 2015 Get ready to network with company representatives! Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Thursday, September 22 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. David Braley Athletic Centre
Fall 2015 Why should you go? Opportunity to meet with employer representatives to discuss CAREER opportunities Increased success in securing interviews Define career opportunities – not just job opportunities, but also general information about engineering field and employer details. Mention that event included entry-level, summer, co-op and internship positions – but each individual employer will have different needs. Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Why do companies attend? Fall 2015 Why do companies attend? Marketing/branding opportunity Develop network of potential student candidates Define career opportunities – not just job opportunities, but also general information about engineering field and employer details. Mention that event included entry-level, summer, co-op and internship positions – but each individual employer will have different needs. Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Preparation (before the fair) Fall 2015 Preparation (before the fair) Create a “tiered” list of employers Submit profile/resume via employers’ websites Conduct employer research Create/update your LinkedIn account Tiered – most important, important, least important Review feasible number of employers – emphasize that they should visit two or three “least” important first – when comfortable, visit most important. Balancing classes Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Preparation (continued) Fall 2015 Preparation (continued) Develop 30 to 60 second “elevator” speech Questions to ask employer representatives Appropriate attire Ideal: business attire Combination of business and casual Emphasize what you can do for the employer Engineering Co-op and Career Services
What to bring . . . Writing materials (folio) Water, tissues Multiple copies of your resume Bring paper copies even if company only accepts electronic submissions via website “Objective” on resume Writing materials (folio) Water, tissues
At the fair . . . Review map/list of employers Fall 2015 At the fair . . . Review map/list of employers “Test drive” your elevator speech with “bottom tier” employers Engineering Co-op and Career Services
What to do if . . . The employer is not hiring for Co-op/internship Fall 2015 What to do if . . . The employer is not hiring for Co-op/internship Do they post in the winter term? Ask about future full-time (post-grad) positions – what qualities do they look for in candidates? How can you prepare as a student? The employer is not hiring for full-time (post-grad) positions What is their outlook for the next two/five/ten years? The employer does not provide business cards Don’t take this personally – may be company policy. Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Follow-Up Review information you received Fall 2015 Follow-Up Review information you received Send “thank you’s” to employer representatives LinkedIn Mention attendance at the fair when applying to jobs Include in the cover letter Check Events module in OSCARplus for additional employer events Reiterate that students may hear differing pieces of information from employers Side bar – may also get different advice about attending a fair, and what to do at that event Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Fall 2015 Website Links OSCARplus – McMaster’s online job posting and event listing website ECCS website Student Success Centre (university-wide career office) Review differences b/tw ECCS eRecruiting and central eRecruiting Emphasize attending addl workshops offered by ECCS and central Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Thank you! Ext. 22571 Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fall 2015 Thank you! Engineering Co-op and Career Services JHE A214 Ext. 22571 Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Engineering Co-op and Career Services