Annual Convention Report presented to the 30th IGRA Annual Convention November 15, 2014 Denver, Colorado by Larry Lindstrom
Considerations IGRA is shrinking Delegate fee Participation Too low – 75% goes to F&B Participation Hotel room night block Six associations – one or none
Thank You Bud Light Charlie’s Frank Harrell Coffee Breaks AGRA, NGRA, TGRA, FGRA and GSGRA
Thank You Tommy Channel Bruce Gros Rich Valdez Men of Charlie’s CGRA Members
Pop Quiz
A Most Frightening Convention The ONLY convention on Halloween Canadian Mounties running amuck Brian Helander was President Marriott on Canal Street New Orleans 2008
''Do You Have a Snorkel?'' Denver 2004 Convention returned to the Fall Martini & Cosmo Welcome Party Old Shriner's Hall on Capitol Hill Industrial-size Chocolate Fountain Denver 2004
Ghosts & Legends Long Beach 1999 & 2001 Old British Barge (not Joe Olney) Queen Mary was backup hotel Craig Rouse was President Dance Competition at a Dance Studio Long Beach 1999 & 2001
Quoth the Raven, ''Nevermore.'' ONLY convention on the East Coast Inner Harbor & Ravens Stadium Linda Frazier was President Miller Lite was International Sponsor Baltimore 1998
Mormon Mardi Gras Salt Lake City 1997 July 24th (a.k.a. Pioneer Day) NO Liquor Sales Tom Vance was President The Saliva Sisters Salt Lake City 1997
106 in the Shade Chicago 1995 NOT Las Vegas or Phoenix Sweltering 5-day Midwest heat wave Roger Bergmann was President The Conrad Hilton Chicago 1995
''Reasonable and Proper'' Billings 1993 Daytime Speed Limit Closer to Calgary than Denver Smoking was the ''HOT'' topic Roger Bergmann was President Billings 1993
''What's Up Doc?'' Albuquerque 1987 Historic La Posada Hotel Hoppin’ down the Bunny Trail Movable Texas Tea Party Les Krambeal was President Albuquerque 1987
Heaven’s Just a Sin Away The Kendalls Happy Cowboys Stapleton Hotel Row Wayne Jakino was President Denver 1986
Scorecard 18 Really, really old 13–17 Been around the block 8–12 Seen a bit of action 1–7 Newbie Slept through convention
Have Fun and Play Safe!