MedSoft© Version 7.0 Database Overview 2017 The MedSoft 7.0 Database system is provided as a convenient option for users who are responsible for compliance with the Massachusetts Medication Administration Program guidelines and requirements. The use of this database system is not required by any agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services. The database system is provided "As is, As seen" and no warranties are made as to its effectiveness or completeness and there is no promise of maintenance or future upgrades made by the Commonwealth or any of its subsidiary agencies. My name is Gina Hunt, Department of Developmental Services MAP Coordinator. MedSoft is a revision of what many of you know as the MAP software or ‘Kirby’ software; originally created by Ted Kirby who worked for the Dept. of Mental Health. Over the last 15 months, the revisions were tested by Jarrod Douglass, Program Director at Bridgewell and Jim Culver, Medication Coordinator at The Bridge of Central Ma. This webinar is an overview of what the database includes. Most Providers use 2 primary features, which allows you to print health care provider orders (based on data entered from original orders) with corresponding medication sheets. Of course, the HCP order printed is not valid until it is signed by the HCP. Presenting today are Courtney Murphy, RN, Healthcare Coordinator of Residential Services at Bridgewell and Jim Culver.
11/25/2013 Main Menu After downloading the database, you will notice the initial screen has Health Care Provider abbreviated as HCP and is separated into three sections: To Enter Current Medication Information To Enter Background Information and To View Individuals’ or HCPs’ Information The top half of the page is where you enter medication and background information. Once entered, the bottom half of the page is designed for you to review and/or change information. Let’s take a look at key information to remember as you begin using MedSoft.
Key Points Changes are saved automatically when a document is closed Accessing information to enter is by Using drop down menus or Typing the information When using the drop down menus you will notice there are no abbreviations to select from. For example, if a medication is ordered to be administered ‘twice daily’ you will see the written words ‘twice daily’ and not the abbreviation, BID.
Drop Down Menu There are drop down menus for brand and generic name medications, amount, route, frequency, hour, reason prescribed and special instructions. You will enter the strength supplied by the pharmacy and the dose ordered by the HCP. If you choose to type information do not use abbreviations. Let’s take a look at what you must never do…
What Not To Do Never Type over Add an individuals name or current medications Add a HCP twice or an individual twice You must understand the entire MedSoft database system works by matching Individuals to HCPs. Please review the list of what you should never do. We’ll now go back to the Main Menu and review each section.
11/25/2013 Main Menu This ‘Main Menu’ is used only for data entry, review and editing information. Printing documents is completed elsewhere within the database.
11/25/2013 Main Menu Within the ‘To Enter Current Medication Information section’, the following can be accessed: HCP Orders HCP Visit Information and HCP Telephone Order When you click on ‘HCP Orders’…
HCP Orders …you’ll see this screen. You saw this on a previous slide. Notice most of the fields for data entry include drop down menus for your convenience. Each medication is entered separately. All specific areas of information must be entered. This section allows you to review an individuals medications from a specific HCP, add, change or discontinue medications. All medications can be accessed by scrolling as directed at the bottom of the page. Exit by clicking on ‘Return to Main Menu’…
11/25/2013 Main Menu Clicking on ‘HCP Visit Information’ …
HCP Visit Information Brings you to this screen. All pertinent information must be entered prior to each HCP visit. Here, after entering the Individual’s name & HCP name you must click the “Click Here To Enter New Information” button before documenting in the “Individual Update” and “Medication Update” sections. This will delete any previous information and will set the date to reflect the date of the current HCP visit. The most important responsibility of staff using MedSoft, is updating medication information following each HCP visit. Because all orders are entered only once, failure to update medication order changes will result in the medication information being incorrect on any form printed. Exit by clicking on ‘Return to Main Menu’…
11/25/2013 Main Menu Clicking on ‘HCP Telephone Order’ …
HCP Telephone Order Brings you to this screen. Create a Telephone Order including: “Medication, Reason for Medication, Dose, Frequency, Route, Target Signs and Symptoms, Medication Parameters and any Special Instructions.” Exit by clicking on ‘Return to Main Menu’…
11/25/2013 Main Menu Within the ‘To Enter Background Information’ section, the following can be accessed: ‘Enter Individual Information’ ‘Enter HCP Information’ and ‘Enter Program Information’ Clicking on ‘Enter Individual Information’ …
Enter Individual Information Brings you to this screen. The Individual Data Entry Form is filled out when a NEW Individual enters the program. Some fields are required such as the individuals name, date of birth (abbreviated as ‘DOB’) and allergies. If these 3 fields are left blank, the information entered will not be saved. Click the ‘Save and Add Another’ button to add a different individual. Click the ‘Save and Close’ button to return to the main menu.
11/25/2013 Main Menu Clicking on ‘Enter HCP Information’ …
Enter HCP Information Brings you to this screen. The HCP Data Entry Form is to be filled out for NEW HCP’s. It is important to not duplicate HCP’s. Click the ‘Save and Add Another HCP’ button to add a different HCP. Click the ‘Save and Exit’ button to return to the main menu.
11/25/2013 Main Menu Clicking on ‘Enter Program Information’ …
Enter Program Information Brings you to this screen. This area allows you to enter all specific information regarding your program. Most fields are required. If left blank the information entered will not be saved. Click the ‘Save and Add Another HCP’ button to add a different HCP. Click the ‘Save and Exit’ or ‘Close’ button to return to the main menu.
11/25/2013 Main Menu Within the ‘To View Individuals’ or HCPs’ Information’ section, the following can be accessed: ‘View/Edit Individual Information’ ‘View/Edit HCP Information’ and ‘To Print Screen’ Clicking on ‘View/Edit Individual Information’ …
View/Edit Individual Information Brings you to this screen. This section is intended to review and or edit an existing individuals information only.” Exit by clicking on ‘Return to Main Menu’…
11/25/2013 Main Menu Clicking on ‘View/Edit HCP Information’ …
View/Edit HCP Information Brings you to this screen. This section is intended to review and or edit an existing HCPs information only.” Exit by clicking on ‘Return to Main Menu’…
11/25/2013 Main Menu Clicking on ‘To Print Screen’ brings you to an entirely different ‘second’ main menu; the specifics of which Courtney will review.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents This area allows you to access to all documents for review and printing, if desired. As you’re reviewing, if any part of the documentation requires editing before printing, you must click on the “Return To Main Menu” button. This will bring you back to the “MedSoft 7.0 Database” Main Menu page to edit the information you entered. To begin, you must select the correct ‘Individual’s Name and ‘HCP Name’. If you do not, the document will be blank. The “form date” must be completed with each entry, this is documented as today’s current date. Enter the date with two digits (i.e. 01-05-17) for the month, day and year. To view and/or print “Medication Sheets” you also must select the correct “Month and Year” from the drop-down menus. We’ll first go through the forms you are probably most interested in.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking on Health Care Provider Order…
Health Care Provider Order …brings you to this document. The HCP order form lists all medications prescribed by the doctor being seen, and has space for new medication orders.
Health Care Provider Order Exiting any of the documents is always by clicking the close ‘print preview’ button at the top of your screen.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Health Care Provider Consultation’…
Health Care Provider Consultation …brings you to this document. Based on information you entered earlier, the top of the HCP Consultation form will print and include the reason for the visit with any program staff updates including medication updates since the last visit. The medication updates section would include missed doses, refusals, frequency of use of PRN’s and their effectiveness, self-administration status etc. Although the form on the screen is blank as there has been no data entered; medication if prescribed by other HCPs will be visible prior to the visit under the physician signature space. During the visit the HCP can see all medication ordered by other prescribers. The bottom of the form is completed by the HCP. It is not a requirement that the seven questions listed be completed if the person is a DDS individual; the HCP may mark as ‘NA’. It is a requirement that the seven questions be completed if the person is a DMH individual. For either DDS or DMH, the HCP will include vital signs with parameters, if needed. There is space for the HCP to write a progress note with their findings and recommendations. There are areas the HCP will complete if the individual is not self administering or if they are; as well as an area for an individual participating in a self administration training plan. The HCP will indicate the next visit information, sign and date the form.
Health Care Provider Consultation Remember to click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Medication Administration Record’…
Medication Administration Record …brings you to this document. Based on information you entered earlier, the medication administration record will print specific to that individual and HCP only, listing as many as two medications per sheet. Accuracy checks by two MAP Certified staff are required upon completion.
Medication Administration Record Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents You will use the ‘New Order Med Admin Record’ feature only when you need to print a med sheet for a new medication ordered mid-month.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Current Medication List ’…
Current Medication List …brings you to this document. Based on information you entered earlier, a ‘List of Current Medications’ form is printed for each individual whenever medication changes occur.
Current Medication List Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Discontinued Medication List ’…
Discontinued Medication List …brings you to this document. This feature allows you to view and print a list of discontinued medication from the time the individual was initially entered in to the software database.
Discontinued Medication List Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘HCP Telephone Order Form’…
HCP Telephone Order Form …brings you to this document. The ‘HCP Telephone Order’ form is created only when a HCP, via telephone conversation with staff, orders a new medication or change. The faxed copy must be signed and returned by the HCP within 72 hours.
HCP Telephone Order Form Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Medication Count Sheet’…
Medication Count Sheet …brings you to this document. This is a form that may be used to document the amount of medications on hand at specific intervals. One sheet is used per medication.
Medication Count Sheet Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Medication Ordering/Receiving Form’…
Ordering/Receiving …brings you to this document. This is a form that may be used to document the amount of medications coming into the program from outside sources such as the pharmacy, a hospital or respite, etc.
Ordering/Receiving Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Leave Of Absence Form’…
Leave of Absence Form …brings you to this document. The form will include all information, including medication based on information you entered earlier. For example, if someone is on 12 medications but only 7 are needed during the LOA; you will see all 12 medications listed, however; in the ‘# of pills provided column’, you will write zero. A LOA form is always needed when a responsible adult such as a parent, relative, or friend, etc.) plans to administer medication outside the program. Signatures are required of staff and the responsible person. The original stays at the program and a copy goes with the responsible person, if they prefer.
Leave of Absence Form Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Medication Transfer Form’…
Medication Transfer Form …brings you to this document. The form will list all medication based on information you entered earlier. It is used when an individual’s medications are transferred to another facility, respite, hospital or program, etc. The ‘# of pills provided’ column reflects the specific number of medications to be transferred. There are 3 signature spaces of the staff who count, verify and release the medications. There is a signature space for the person receiving the medications. The original stays at the program; the receiver may have a copy, if they prefer.
Medication Transfer Form Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Medication Alert Form’…
Medication Alert Form …brings you to this document. This form may be used to remind staff to refer to new HCP orders for any medication changes.
Medication Alert Form Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘List of Discharged Individuals ’…
Discharged Individuals …brings you to this document. This form lists all previously discharged individuals from the program.
Discharged Individuals Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft 7.0 Documents Clicking ‘Medication Progress Notes’…
Medication Progress Notes …brings you to this document. This form will be printed as the back side of each medication administration record.
Medication Progress Notes Click the close ‘print preview’ button to return to..
MedSoft 7.0 Documents …the ‘Documents’ menu.
MedSoft Version 7.0 In summary, there are two main menus. The menu on your left is to enter data. The menu on your right is to print the various documents based on the data entered. Remember, the documents printed are only as accurate as the data you enter. If not already in place, develop a system to ensure that data entered is doubled checked by someone other than the staff who entered it. Thank you for listening.