Options for viewing new releases: Cinematic release On demand Pay per view on sky DVD/Blue Ray DOWNLOAD
Downloading You can use digital technology to download a film or TV program onto your mobile phone, laptop, I-Pad or PC. You could, perhaps, download it on Pirate Bay or other sites and consume it at a time that suits you. You can watch it on your flat-screen TV; you can also connect your HD TV to the Internet and watch the film on You Tube. You can see the film on Blue Ray or ordinary DVDs; some might prefer to watch the film on Playstation or X Box.
Convergence of media through digital technology creates new opportunities for distributing and exhibiting. In the film industry the number of platforms where you can view films is proliferating all the time
So much content being put on web – more competition audiences can also watch films in a variety of ways WHEN THEY WANT TO
Internet + big films = profit and dangers in equal measures
1st generation 1994 first streaming streaming online – audio only 2nd generation No good audio and acceptable video streaming 3rd generation – meets requirements of film industry – security – digital rights quality – same as watching on tv improved economics – business models for content online eliminate buffering delays
Once it becomes the norm to download film via broadband, potential for a new form of blanket distribution is obvious. No longer need multiple prints, you bypass cinemas Global distribution will put an end to time gap and exploitation by pirates
Short films: wider opportunity for low budget film makers and distributors Especially short films which can meet a wide range of distributors via hosts – E.g Spike Jonze ‘I am here’ via facebook
Internet streaming capabilities – majors have pursued online distribution of films already on DVD (MGM,Paramount,Sony, Universal,WB) Apple – short films from pixar
Windows Media 9 series – open up new distribution opportunities (meets requirements of film industry)