III. Troubles at Home and Abroad
A. Conflicts in the Northwest Territory British soldiers remained in the NWT and supplied Native Americans with guns and ammunition Native Americans began to attack American settlers After a series of defeats, Gen. Anthony Wayne’s army finally won the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794 The victory forced Native American nations to give up their land north of the Ohio River, in the Treaty of Greenville
B. The French Revolution Controversy Hamilton denounced the violence, while Jefferson believed injustices are normal when fighting for freedom By early 1793, France and England were at war Washington declared the U.S. would remain neutral in European affairs
C. Washington’s Accomplishments In 1796, George Washington decided to retire from public life Under his leadership, the U.S. now had a functioning federal government, an improving economy, and improved foreign relations In his Farewell Address, GW warned against political parties and getting involved in European affairs