THE CHESHIRE & WARRINGTON ECONOMY £2.58 billion GVA – bigger than Leeds, Newcastle, South Yorkshire. GVA per head 113% of national average. Fastest growth rate of any Northern LEP in 2015. 10% more people travel into Cheshire & Warrington to work than travel out.
OUR AMBITION Grow the economy by £27 billion pa. Create 112,000 jobs. Build an additional 139,000 new homes. Increase GVA per head to 120% of the national average.
ROLE OF C&W LEP IN SKILLS DELIVERY Employers Skills Board Skills Provider Board Setting context for ABR Capital funding European Social fund Adult Education budget being transferred to LEPS
FUTURE DEMANDS FOR SKILLS Highly skilled labour market with 38% of working age population qualified to Level 4 or above. Comparatively low skilled population in the 20-29 age bracket. Replacement demand from ageing population is highest driver of future labour requirements (230,000 jobs by 2025). Replacement demand significant for manufacturing (35% age 50+); public administration, education and health (33% age 50+) and transport and communication (27% age 50+).
CHALLENGES FOR THE CURRICULUM Over 35% of C&W economy is within STEM sectors Only 11.5% of apprenticeship starts in STEM subjects. Less than 5% of apprenticeship starts are at higher level Virtually none in STEM subjects Number of apprenticeship starts needs to increase by 65% to meet Government targets.
ENGAGING WITH EMPLOYERS Employers want FE offer to include greater industry collaboration. Includes co-design of provision, co-investment, shared utilisation of industry assets and CPD for FE staff. Onus on industry as much as providers.
LOCAL GROWTH FUND ROUND 3 LEP Employers Skills Board have set out priorities for LGF3 Digital Platforms Rail Life Science Engineering – particularly heavy plant/ nuclear Health Apprenticeship Academies Co-habiting space to deliver multi agency approach – incubator space. Pre start up, start up. Inviting Skills providers to bid for projects to deliver them
European Structural and Investment Funds European Social Fund (Total Allocation €63.7M) Current or Imminent Opportunities For Supporting Employment, Careers, Skills and Collaboration Between Industry and Providers in the Cheshire and Warrington LEP area’s Growth Sectors (£20M) Priority 1.1 (Access to Employment for Jobseekers and Inactive People. Tailored skills to help individuals secure employment in growth and employment sectors. c£4M (not including match Opt-in SFA). Priority 1.1 (Access to Employment for Jobseekers and Inactive People). In-work support to individuals with an identified mental health condition to support transition to sustained employment. £2M (Not including match Opt-In DWP) Priority 1.2 (Sustainable Integration of Young People) To ensure young people make the right careers choices and to provide a pipeline of talent to support growth £1M (Not including match Opt-In SFA) Priority 1.2 (Sustainable Integration of Young People) Bringing disengaged young people (NEETS) back into training education and work in our growth sectors. £3M (Not including match Opt-In SFA) Priority 1.4 (Active Inclusion) Supporting those that are furthest from the labour market onto a pathway to employment through work, training, education or volunteering. £5.5M (Not including match Opt-In SFA) Priority 2.1 (Enhancing Equal Access to Life Long Learning) supporting employers to take on and develop individuals to fill intermediate, technical and higher level skills gaps and shortages that fit local LEP area skills needs. (Both accredited and not-accredited ). £4M (Not including match Opt-In SFA) Priority 2.2 (Improving the Labour Market Relevance of Education and Training Systems). Supporting industry and provider collaboration to align curriculums with growth sector SEM needs. Individuals will gain skills and qualifications relevant to the local labour market. £0.7M (Not including match Opt-In SFA) EU Funding Conference and Workshops: July 2016 – Birchwood Warrington