Part 1: Practical steps for NiD integration into WISE 31th Nitrates Directive Committee meeting Brussels, 6 November 2007 European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team
Practical steps for NiD integration into WISE: Revised reporting guidelines of NiD ready! Technical description on reporting and IT reporting tool/agreed IT format to support submission of reports to COMM by using guidelines: Data format is WISE compatible (in IT terms) Testing by volunteers Technical workshop on reporting (hands-on examples) Common entry point = ReportNet services to upload the data Nomination of national data reporters (account creation) National data delivery via ReportNet
Advantages reporting on WISE for NiD: To automatise reporting process and make it electronic & through internet access for uploading new data&information Quicker feedback on validation of quality of reported data Technical possibility for data exchange Interactive maps with zooming and searching possibilities Possibility of integrated analysis at various scales,e.g. quality of receiving waters at MS level, River basin level, etc. An integrated view on pressures and impacts
How it practically should work? Data flow reporting to WISE through ReportNet, and data visualisation Reported data from MS after QA/QC WISE Rules for the data transfer & exchange (e.g.XML) Reference Database: -WFD, UWWTD, EIONET water (SoE), BWD, DWD, Estat, etc. WISE rules WISE rules ReportNET: common place to report the data via internet Data visualisation WISE Public Member State Internet (Internet) Reports Compliance-check exercise Other analysis of reported data
ReportNet: What does it mean? is an electronic infrastructure with tools for streamlining flows of environmental information in Europe (assist data and information flows resulting from reporting obligations and other agreed reporting on the European level) is an integral part of WISE data flows currently used for reporting to EEA and hosting some of DG Environments reporting tasks (WFD, BWD, etc.) integrates different web services and allows distributed responsibilities secures that delivered data are made quickly available for analysis, and in addition, if conditions allow for it, publicly available without delay (QA/QC assured) about the concept of ReportNet:
How to upload the data through ReportNet? Nominate reporter – at least 1 per each MS password to connect to ReportNet and EEA creates account
Account Creation One account in the Directory is needed for logging on to the ReportNet to upload the NiD report The procedure : Ask Committee Members to nominate reporter Agree on ‘WISE reporting arrangements’ Example: agreed at WFD Committee For NiD: adjusted and to be agreed Information required for account creation: First Name Surname Email address Telephone Optional information: Organization, fax number, description, title, URL address
On-line demonstration will follow by using Reportnet S-size! CDR: Central Data Repository: On-line demonstration will follow by using Reportnet S-size!
ReportNet - service levels Modules involved Description XL ? CDR + QA + DD All services provided on lower levels, plus: Merging of collected datasets into a database. L 1-3 months All services provided on lower levels, plus: Deliveries based on data specifications in DD. Generation of templates and spreadsheets. Advanced data quality checks during delivery. M 1-3 weeks CDR + QA All services provided on lower levels, plus: Generation of simple web questionnaires. Basic data quality checks during delivery. S 1-3 days CDR CDR as central delivery place for country data. Creation of user accounts with permissions. Creation of pre-defined CDR folders.
Go to on-line demonstration (Part 2)
Useful references On water policy at EU level: On WISE: On CIRCA: