Wissahickon Lacrosse 2018 www.leaguelineup.com/wsdlacrosse Coaches Varsity Dan Layfield Matt Conway Volunteer Assistants - TBA JV Steve Lehman Tryouts – First Week of March 2018
Wissahickon Lacrosse Program Seeks to create a culture where kids love to play the game. They look forward to practices and games as a time when they will have fun and learn. As coaches, we have the responsibility not only to teach our players the skills and strategy behind the game, but also a respect for the tradition of the game and for all who are involved (teammates, opponents, officials, athletic staff, bus drivers, managers, and fans). We will focus on the effort and personal improvement of our athletes, rather than simply the results of the game. We will teach and require a high level of sportsmanship from the boys.
Communication is Very Important This is how we do it!!! Remind Text Message App – Player and Parent Run WHS LAX PLAYERS: To sign Up: Text @whslaxplyr to 81010 or on smartphone browser go to rmd.at/whslaxplyr and follow instructions. WHS LAX Parents: To sign Up: Text @wshlaxprnt to 81010 or on smartphone browser go to rmd.at/whslaxprnt and follow instructions. Email Distribution - Parent Run: On our website www.leaguelineup.com/wsdlacrosse 'click' on "Join our EMail List - Subscribe" and join the WHS Boys Lacrosse group Twitter: follow us on twitter @wisslaxboys . Instagram: follow us on Instagram @wissboyslax IMPORTANT: Per District rules No Student is to have direct ‘social media’ or text / phone contact with one of the coaches. The coaches will use the following to communicate directly HUDL: During our Fall Meeting we will collect the players school based email addresses for this platform. HUDL allows college coaches the ability to get up-to-date player info and highlight videos in one place. Please take the time to keep this information accurate & current. Opponent Scouting videos will also be available through this site. If a student doesn't have a login have the PARENT email Matt Conway your school approved email address so that you can get a login to our site: mmconway25@gmail.com
Wissahickon BOYS LACROSSE TRYOUTS 2018 - Evaluation Criteria
What to expect in tryouts Stickwork drills Contact drills Fitness test Scrimmaging Notification for team selections / cuts
Evaluation Criteria Stickwork - (passing, catching) Dodging Defense Fitness - (times in shuttle run, 1.5 mile) Special areas (goaltending, face-offs) Shooting Intangibles (attitude, coachability, aggressiveness, mental toughness)
Endurance Endurance 1 – Shuttle Run Endurance 2 – Distance Sprint The runner begins at a marked line and runs 25 yards to a marked line; the runner is to touch the line with his feet, change direction, and run back to the starting line. The runner will do this 5 times. The total distance of the run is 250 yards. (4) Shuttle run time is in the top 10% of the entire pool. (3) Shuttle run time is in the top 50% of the entire pool. (2) Shuttle run time is in the bottom 50% of the pool. Endurance 2 – Distance Sprint This year players will be tested in the 1.5 mile run. It is the goal of the Players to complete this run in 9 minutes or less. (4)Player completes the 1.5 mile run in 9 minutes or less. Players time is in the top 10% of the pool. (3)Player completes the 1.5 mile run after 9 but less than 10 minutes. (2)Player fails to complete the run in 10 minute or less.
With the Ball (4)Demonstrates the ability to catch a fast moving ball with both hands. With both hands, the player, on the run, can throw an overhand pass with little arc to a moving target, with consistent accuracy. Demonstrates ball-to-the-outside principles. Is able to get rid of the ball in confined situations. Demonstrates a high-level of stick protection. Can maintain possession of the ball while changing speeds. Can shield the head of the stick, while switching hands. Can cradle efficiently with both hands, while keeping his head up. Keeps and wants the ball in his stick against pressure, but makes the right passes when drawing the slide. (3)Inconsistently demonstrates the ability to catch a fast moving ball with both hands. Inconsistently throws an overhand pass to a moving target with both hands. Demonstrates ball-to-the-outside principles. Is able to get rid of the ball in confined situations, but is not equally strong with both hands. Can maintain possession of the ball, while changing speeds, but is not equally strong with either hand. Wants the ball in is stick against pressure, but occasionally will throw the ball to a player who is not open. (2)Throws and catches the ball well with one hand. Is unable to get rid of the ball in confined situations. Inconsistently demonstrates ball-to-the outside principles. Can cradle well with one hand only. Avoids switching hands. Avoids the ball against pressure.
Without the Ball (4) Demonstrates the ability to maintain proper spacing in an offensive situation (including clearing and 6 vs. 6). Demonstrates the ability to V-CUT, Back Door Cut, Shallow Cut, Deep Cut to receive a pass, and catches the ball after the cut 95% of the time. (all cuts will be explained and demonstrated during tryouts) Can set legal picks, and move to the appropriate place after setting the pick (Examples - Pick and Pop, Pick and Roll, Pick and Cut). Demonstrates the ability to clear space for other teammates who are carrying the ball. Uses effective and appropriate communication with teammates constantly (Help!, One More!, Double!, Now!) The superior off ball player can get open all the time and is a great communicator! (3) Inconsistently demonstrates the ability to maintain proper spacing in an offensive situation including clearing and 6 vs. 6 offenses. Demonstrates the ability to V-CUT, Back Door Cut, Shallow Cut, Deep Cut to receive a pass, and catches the ball after the cut most of the time. (all cuts will be explained and demonstrated during tryouts) The ability to clear space for another teammates who are carrying the ball. Uses effective and appropriate communication with teammates most of the time (Help!, One More!, Double!, Now!) (2) Inconsistently demonstrates the ability to maintain proper spacing in an offensive situation including clearing and 6 vs. 6 offenses. Demonstrates the ability to V-CUT, Back Door Cut, Shallow Cut, Deep Cut to receive a pass, and catches the ball after the cut half of the time. The ability to clear space for another teammates who are carrying the ball. Seldom uses appropriate communication.
Defending (4)Demonstrates the principle of staying between the man and the goal. Is able to perform while seeing both the man and the ball. Demonstrates the ability to play stick on stick defense. Is able to stay in front of dodging players approximately 85% of the time. Is able to apply stick and body pressure at appropriate times, while maintaining good position. Understands and demonstrates the concepts of help defensive, and transition defense. Is an exceptional communicator, is willing and able to slide by taking the body when appropriate. (3)Demonstrates the principle of staying between the man and the goal. Is able to perform while seeing both the man and the ball. Demonstrates the ability to play stick on stick defense. Is able to stay in front of dodging players approximately 70% of the time. Is able to apply stick and body pressure at appropriate times, while maintaining good position. Understands and demonstrates the concepts of help defensive; slides at the appropriate times. Is a good communicator, but inconsistent. Will occasionally miss opportunities to deliver a contact slide. (2)Inconsistently demonstrates the principle of staying between the man and the goal. Inconsistently acknowledges both the man and the ball, while defending. Will often times get beat by a dodging player. Has difficulty staying under control, and will foul often. Is NOT assertive vocally, and unable to communicate.
Shooting (for midfielders and attackmen) (4)With the dominant hand, the player can shoot with accuracy and velocity. Demonstrates the fundamental concepts of shooting; such as, overhand delivery, step-to-shoot, shoulder placement, and follow through. From a set position, the player is able to hit targets consistently (80%), with a shot velocity of 65 MPH or higher. Is equally efficient while shooting on the run. Is able to shoot at the right times (with time and space, from good angles). . This player should be just as accurate with both hands. This player can take different types of shots – Time and room, On the Run, Crease Finish (3)With the dominant hand, the player can shoot with accuracy and velocity. Demonstrates the fundamental concepts of shooting, such as, overhand delivery, step-to-shoot, shoulder placement, and follow through. From a set position, the player is able to hit targets consistently (70%), with a shot velocity of 60 MPH. Is able to shoot well on the run, with inconsistent accuracy. Is not as proficient with weak-hand shots, but shows a willingness to shoot with this hand when appropriate. (2)With the dominant hand, the player shot accuracy is inconsistent, shot velocity is below 50mph. Does not demonstrate the complete fundamental concepts of shooting. Is unable to shoot well with the weak hand, and is unwilling to use the weak hand shot in appropriate situations.
Groundball Play (4)Demonstrates the fundamentals of picking up ground balls: two hands on the stick, stays low to the ground, gets back hand down, protects/shields the ball, uses his body to box-out, circles away from pressure, keeps his head up after the ball is possessed. Consistently wins 50/50 balls during competition. Understands and demonstrates the concept of the MAN-BALL call. Does not hesitate to attack ground balls (controlled aggression). Is able to pick up ground balls with the off-hand. (3)Demonstrates the fundamental Principles of picking up ground balls; two hands on stick, low to the ground, circles away from pressure. Inconsistently wins 50/50 ground balls. Understand the concept of the man-ball call. (2)Inconsistently demonstrates the fundamentals of picking up ground balls. Player will seldom pick up 50/50 ground balls..
Goalie Play (4) Goalie has excellent stick handling skills (score of 4, see stick handling). Is an exceptional communicator. Makes the appropriate calls in given situations (Ball calls, Slide Calls, Hold calls, Defense formation Calls). Demonstrates good position, covers his angles; steps to the ball, does not drop to his knees. Throws a consistently good outlet pass (accurate 90% of the time). Throws the balls to the right player consistently. Demonstrates the highest save percentage in practice. (3)Goalies has adequate stick handling skills (score of 3). Is a good communicator, makes appropriate calls but not all of the time. Demonstrates good position, covers angles, steps to the ball. Makes accurate outlet passes most of the time (75%). Demonstrates a high save percentage in practice. (2)Goalie has a stick handling score of 2. Is a good communicator, makes appropriate calls but not all of the time. Demonstrates good position, covers angles. Has difficulty stepping to the ball. Makes accurate outlet passes some of the time. (50%)
What can I do to prepare Get Fit -Run Sprints -Distance Runs ( 1.5 Mile Run / Sprint ) -Lift weights – if supervised and using proper technique Shooting / Wall Ball -Find a Wall – routinely do a Wall Ball routine -Shoot for Accuracy - on run and time and room – aim for spots not just the net and – expect yourself to be able to shoot where you are aiming.
What can I do to prepare Wall Ball Routine 20 minute drill routine. Drills must be performed with both hands. any wall will work, but a smooth concrete wall at least 10 feet is best. Use of gloves is mandatory Stand approximately 5 yards from the wall. Drills should take 20 minutes to perform. Defensemen can use both short stick and long stick. Right hand quick stick – 50 times (then switch to left) Right hand - 1 hand (just use your top hand) catch and cradle 50 times (switch to left) Right hand – 1 hand quick stick – 50 times (switch to left) Right hand catch and face dodge – 50 times (left) Split dodge throw right, catch right-split dodge to left hand, throw left, catch left-split dodge right – 50 times. Quick stick – change hands while ball is in the air on every toss. Cross handed – 50 times each hand Behind the back – 50 times each hand
Off Season Workouts Fall Workouts on Turf – Check website Winter Conditioning Workouts – Check website Winter Indoor / Box Lacrosse – Check website Team Lifting Hours in School Weight Room – Check website www.leaguelineup.com/wsdlacrosse