Review: The breakdown of medieval europe 03.23.2012 p. 26 L/R
DO NOW Why did the population of Europe grow rapidly from 1000 to 1300? Improvements to medicine c. better food production Trade growth d. better diplomacy How did guilds protect craftsworkers? They set prices to prevent competition They forbade those in other cities from having similar businesses They raised prices regularly They gave special prices to nobles St. Thomas Aquinas emphasized The use of Latin c. vows of poverty The use of Greek d. the value of both faith and reason What is the impact of the plague on Europe’s working class? answer in 1-2 sentences!
7.6.3 Understand the development of feudalism Population increases: horses, iron plow, horseshoes, harness Three-field system: crop rotation, makes sure farmer doesn’t starve Surplus food is traded for other goods Some start to specialize: France – grapes, Spain – olives Italians develop banking system, use letters of credit Growth of trade = growth of towns, markets, fairs, shops Guilds form: groups of people with same job/craft, in same town Protect and regulate business Set prices, watch quality
7.6.8 Understand the importance of the Catholic church Mendicant monks: outside, collecting donations (Monastic monks are IN the monastery) St. Francis of Assisi: rich, decides to live life the way Jesus did. Can talk to animals?? St. Clare – inspired by Francis, life of poverty/devotion (“Poor Clares”) Extra $$ is used to build cathedrals in towns; gothic style Gargoyles, pointed arches, stained-glass windows, flying buttresses First universities, books travel by trade St. Thomas Aquinas, professor, combines faith and reason Studies Aristotle Believes in natural law: basic laws to humans/nature (ex. Right v. wrong) Writes a “proof” that God exists
7.6.7 Map the spread of the bubonic plague 2 straight years of rain; kills crops and animals Great Famine, many starve to death Hundred Years’ War; between England and France King of England, Edward III, says he is also King of France Guns, cannons, longbows used for the 1st time Joan of Arc leads the French to victory; hears voices? English burn her at the stake for being a witch 1347, bubonic plague arrives from Central Asia Carried on ships/trade routes by rats/fleas 1/3rd of Europe dies Jews are the scapegoats, many are exiled/killed Population decrease, serfs start getting $$, end of feudalism and the middle ages