E: Mobile: LPG / PNG Detection and Alarm, Control System 1 EK Engineering (India) For residential apartments, hotels, warehouse, gas bank etc
Installation Areas: 2 E: Mobile: (India) Gas supply, reticulation system in residential apartments City gas distribution system Hotels, restaurants, canteens Industrial application - food production, gas bunkers Gas banks, bottling plants Warehouse, stockyard, LPG bullets
Application: 3 E: Mobile: (India) LPG, PNG, CNG leakage detection Detection and identification of location of leakage Alarm control, and gas supply on/off control Integration with fire alarm system, BMS, SCADA Exhaust fan, fire / smoke damper control Configurable threshold setpoint setting
System Salient Features: 4 E: Mobile: (India) Highly accurate catalytic bead pellistor sensor cell Highly sensitive, suitable for minute leakage detection UL, ATEX certified sensor cell Measuring range: 0-100% LEL flammable gas, pro-active detection against explosion On-board relays for local alarm, exhaust fan and solenoid valve control Suitable for up to 128 detectors per loop
System Salient Features: 5 E: Mobile: (India) Coloured, touch-screen HMI based LCD display at control unit for: Gas concentration value at each detector point Alarm status System errors, fault location Configurable alarm set-point Multiple set-point for each detector unit Auxiliary power supply for detectors by control unit Digital network based system architecture
Advantages: 6 E: Mobile: (India) Low system cost Huge saving on cable cost, installation cost High sensitivity, no false alarms, high accuracy Long system life, with negligible maintenance cost No cross-sensitivity with background gases Wall / duct mountable Easy design, faster installation
Gas Detection System Architecture: 7 E: Mobile: (India) S1 Control Unit / Panel Control Room / Area * S: LPG, PNG gas detector n = 1 to 28 S2 S6 S7 S5 S8 Sn S4 S3 Gas Pipeline Gas pipeline System in Apartments
Contact us: 8 E: Mobile: (India) Website: Mobile / WhatsApp: