PSYCHROMETRY AND HVAC Psychrometry (hygrometry): science of moist air HVAC: Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning I am teaching Engineering Thermodynamics to a class of 75 undergraduate students. I plan to go through these slides in one 90-minute lecture. Zhigang Suo, Harvard University Watch this tutorial on psychrometry
Plan Psychrometric properties Measuring humidity Psychrometric chart HVAC 2
Dry air 3 nameformulaMolar mass M kg/kmol number fraction y nitrogenN2N oxygenO2O
Moist air a mixture of many gases and water vapor, modeled as an ideal-gas mixture 4 Dry air is far from the dome Water vapor is near the dome Partial pressure of dry air, P a Partial pressure of water vapor, P v Total (barometric) pressure
Humidity ratio absolute humidity, specific humidity 5
Relative humidity 6 Obtain the saturated pressure P g (T) from the steam table. Dry air. Relative humidity = 0% Air saturated with water. Relative humidity = 100% Human comfort. Relative humidity = 40-60%
Enthalpy 7 Specific enthalpy of dry air: Specific enthalpy of water vapor: Enthalpy of moist air: Specific enthalpy in terms of (P,T, ):
Plan Psychrometric properties Measuring humidity Psychrometric chart HVAC 8
Dew-point 9 liquid gas
Foggy morning 10 At sunset, the temperature is 20 C and the relative humidity is 50%. In the morning, how much must the temperature have dropped for fog to form? Assume that the partial pressure of water remains fixed. dew point sunset
Frost point 11
Adiabatic saturation temperature 12 Conservation of dry air: Conservation of water: Conservation of energy: saturated air at outlet: Algebra: P2P2 An experiment to measure humidity
13 For air–water vapor mixtures at atmospheric pressure, T wb is approximately equal to the adiabatic saturation temperature. Sling psychrometer Wet-bulb temperature. Dry-bulb temperature
Hygrometer humidity sensors First inventor: Johann Heinrich Lambert (1755) Humidity affects everything. Everything is a hygrometer. Today’s opportunity: The Internet of things Bimaterial strip Hair-tension hygrometer Wet-bulb and dry-bulb Dew-point hygrometer Capacitor Resistor Thermal conductivity Weight
Plan Psychrometric properties Measuring humidity Psychrometric chart HVAC 15
Psychrometric properties Name all states of moist air by 3 variables: P,T, 1.P, (barometric, or total) pressure 2.P a, dry-air pressure 3.P v, vapor pressure (partial pressure of water) 4.T, (dry-bulb) temperature 5.T dp, dew-point temperature 6.T wb, wet-bulb temperature 7.m a, mass of dry air 8.m v, mass of water vapor , specific humidity (absolute humidity, humidity ratio) , relative humidity (RH) 11.v, specific volume 12.h, specific enthalpy 16
Name all states of moist air by 3 variables: P,T, 17 Volume: Specific volume in terms of (P,T, ): Specific humidity: Partial pressure of water in terms of (P,T, ): Relative humidity: Relative humidity in terms of (P,T, ):
Since Chinese invented paper, humans have spent disproportional amount of time on one particular number: 2 18
19 Psychrometric chart Henry Ford: “You can have Model T in any color, so long as it’s black.” You can draw figure in any dimensions, so long as it’s two-dimensional. Fix P = 1 atm
20 Psychrometric chart Name all states of moist air using 3 variables: P,T, P = 1 atm T db
Foggy morning 22 At sunset, the temperature is 20 C and the relative humidity is 50%. In the morning, how much must the temperature have dropped for fog to form? Assume that the partial pressure of water remains fixed. sunset dew point
Plan Psychrometric properties Measuring humidity Psychrometric chart HVAC 23
24 Engineering a state of happiness
Lee Kuan Yew The founder of Singapore died on 23 March 2015, aged Among a number of 20th-century luminaries asked by the Wall Street Journal in 1999 to pick the most influential invention of the millennium, he alone shunned the printing press, electricity, the internal combustion engine and the internet and chose the air- conditioner. He explained that, before air-con, people living in the tropics were at a disadvantage because the heat and humidity damaged the quality of their work.
Singapore 26
Boston 27
Denver 28
HVAC processes approach the comfort zone by changing temperature and humidity 1.Hardware: duct, fan, heater, cooler, source and sink of water, flow of air 2.Psychrometric chart 3.Steady-flow, control-volume analysis. 29
30 Heating = constant, but drops Conservation of dry air: Conservation of water: Conservation of energy:
31 Heating and humidifying Conservation of dry air: Conservation of water: Conservation of energy:
32 Cooling and dehumidifying dry air: water: energy:
33 Evaporative Cooling h = constant dry air: water: energy:
34 Evaporative cooling Desert: T = 50 C, RH = 10% What is temperature of the cloth? desert cloth Senator Rubio, There is no clash of civilization. Drink more water and study psychrometry!
35 Adiabatic mixing Rule of mixture Conservation of dry air: Conservation of water: Conservation of energy:
36 Coal power station coverts coal to electricity
37 Cooling tower The moist air in the tower has a high water-vapor content, and is lighter than the outside air. The light air in the tower rises, and the heavier outside air fills the vacant space, creating an airflow from the bottom of the tower to the top. Conservation of dry air: Conservation of water: Conservation of energy:
Name all states of moist air by 3 psychrometric properties: (total) pressure P, (dry-bulb) temperature T, and humidity ratio . Hygrometer Psychrometric chart: Fix P, and represent all other psychrometric properties on a plane by lines of constant values. Comfort zone (T = C, RH = 40%-60%). Reach comfort zone by HVAC processes. 38 Summary