Member Pampering: Best Steps for a Healthy Manhood
When women go out to a spa, they seem to have an incredibly good time. They leave with their skin glowing, their attitude relaxed and easy, and their smile much bigger than it was when they got there. All that pampering obviously makes an enormous difference for her, both physically and mentally. So why can’t a man engage in some spa-like manhood care that provides him with the same enjoyable benefits?manhood care
Sure, there isn’t a spa that caters to the member and provides it with a variety of massages, wraps, oils, lotions and potions. But a guy can create his own spa experience at home and enjoy every moment of it while he ensures his member is in top-notch shape and ready for service. Before the festivities begin, a guy should put on some good, relaxing music and dim the lights to a level that makes him more relaxed. That’s the whole point of this exercise – to relax and to provide for a healthy manhood at the same time.
Start with the cleansing A clean manhood is a healthy manhood. Start out just like a spa would, by getting every little bit of the body as clean as a whistle. This doesn’t just mean jumping into the normal shower routine, however. A member spa day means running a bath full of warm water and climbing in for a good ten minutes or so, using the hands and a mild cleanser to scrub everywhere, paying careful attention to the male organ and surrounding area. A guy should make sure every last inch is gently but thoroughly cleaned.
Get rid of dead skin cells Ever wonder how women get that glowing skin after their trip to the spa? That’s the magic of exfoliation, which gets rid of the dead skin cells that tend to make skin look dull and tired. A man can exfoliate his member right there in the tub, using a soft cloth. Consider it polishing the member to make it look and feel more lively. Simply grip the member with the cloth in hand, then rub gently until it feels cleaner than ever.
Get plenty of moisturization Climb out of the tub and use a soft towel to pat the skin dry. Don’t rub it, as this can be too rough and can undo all that hard work thus far. Use an all-natural moisturizer on the member, rubbing it in gently with the fingertips while the skin is still slightly damp, so as to lock in even more moisture. Look for an all-natural product that contains plenty of Shea butter for the best results.
Give it a little workout At this point, a man might be very tempted to do what comes naturally when he’s rubbing his manhood, especially now that it is so clean and smooth. And why not? Self-pleasuring is a great way to keep up with good manhood care. Science has even shown, over and over through a multitude of studies, that regular seed release can help a man avoid serious health issues, such as prostate cancer. So take a moment of this spa day to really enjoy all those health benefits.
Get a good dose of nutrients As the spa days draws to a close, a man wants a big finish. He can achieve that by applying a top-notch, luxurious male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème that contains vitamin A to fight odor, vitamin C and D for protective properties and vitamin E for softness is a great idea. A guy can also look to L-carnitine to fight against peripheral nerve damage and alpha lipoic acid to fight against the signs of aging. Wrap it all up in a luxurious Shea butter base and a guy can breathe a sigh of happiness at the end of his healthy manhood spa day.male organ health crème