Developed by Tom Clanin / rev. By Maryanne Shults (2017) Social Media
Defining social media Obar & Wildman (2015) Social media are computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
Defining social media ● Web and mobile-based technologies used to turn communication into interactive dialouge between organizations, communities and individuals. ● Interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications ● Ubiquitously accessible
Defining social media ● User-generated content ○ Text posts & comments, digital photos, videos, audio and multimedia, etc. ● Facilitate the development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile with those of other individuals or groups.
Types of social media SOCIAL NETWORKS ● Facebook ● LinkedIn BLOGGING ● Wordpress ● Medium ● Blogger MEDIA SHARING ● YouTube ● Flickr ● Instagram ● Snapchat ● SoundCloud BOOKMARKING ● Delicious ● StumbleUpon MICROBLOGGIN G ● Twitter ● Tumbler SOCIAL NEWS ● Reddit ● Digg
As of February, 2017 Most popular
Social media user stats Source: Lillian James CreativeLillian James Creative The number of users (total and active) changes daily. Click here to find hyperlinks to data/stats for the various social media.Click here
Latest technology & innovations in social media ● Virtual reality, 360-degree video and 3D ● Live video: Facebook Live and Periscope
How social media has changed journalism ● Deadlines are now immediate ● Breaking news and trending stories are online ● Reporters are now real people posting videos ● Glossy magazines and newspapers are being replaced with web and mobile-based platforms and applications Click hereClick here to see “The New ‘News’” infographic that shows how we are consuming more news via social channels than via traditional mass media channels.
Social media and communications ● Tracking trends ● Story ideas ● What people want to know ● Constant update/commentary
Twitter BREAKING NEWS: May 1, 2011 The evening the world was told Osama bin Laden was dead
May 1, 2011 The evening the world was told Osama bin Laden was dead Today in Media History / Poynter Twitter
Twitter and Facebook as journalist tools
Organization Stakeholders: Social media and PR CustomersEmployeesDonors Investors
● Tracking and monitoring ● Live reporting ● Activism ● Crisis communications Social media and PR
● Encouraged customer focus ● Created the 24/7 news cycle ● Makes PR affordable for small businesses ● Led to Integrated PR ● Greater engagement “Social media has changed how people communicate, as well as when they communicate, where they communicate and even who they communicate with."
● Tracking & Monitoring / Crisis communications: Good & Bad Social media and PR
● Hootsuite Hootsuite ● Tweetdeck Tweetdeck ● MuckRack MuckRack ● TweetReach TweetReach ● Klout Klout ● GoBabl GoBabl Find and track what’s being said...
“Fake News” and social media Credibility Counts!! “What happens to factuality itself as algorithms replace humans, Facebook supplants traditional media and the president declares war on the press. That perfect storm has made fake news as unstuck from fact—and as unstoppable—as any viral hoax. Watching the meaning of fake news evolve shows just how easily even facts about facts can slip away.” Contributor Henri Gendreau wrote in WIRED Magazine ( )WIRED Magazine
Other social tools used by media professionals ● Snapchat ● Instagram ● Pinterest And it changes all the time.