CHAPTER SEVEN Teaching Diverse Learners Violet Henderson Ross Bussell Theophile Awana
Teachers’ self- awareness. -The Demographic Imperative -Teachers should stand for equity within the schooling system -A Homogeneous Teaching Force -Teachers should be aware of their students socio-economic and cultural background. -The Demographic Divide -Poor distribution of resources allocated to schools according to whether they serve White/middle class or minority populations. -Differential Treatment of students in schools -Be aware of the consequences of different opportunities received by the students
What teachers need to know -Build a culturally Responsive Practice -Teachers should have a riche repertoire of strategies, work in a collaborative way and avoid any type of stereotypes. These go along with pedagogy – curriculum- assessment. -Develop a strong sociocultural consciousness
Children with exceptional needs -Construct / Implement inclusive practice -Deep understanding of child development, learning, language development, sophisticated strategies for teaching content, classroom management and learning assessment -Develop supportive classroom communities
Implications for Teacher Education -All these experiences and practice will help to: -Build a strong relationship with the community -Example ”The fund of knowledge approach” -Better know themselves -Learning about how to learn from teaching -Example: Using cases to support learning from practice in multicultural contexts