GCSE Options Evening Presentation Thursday 23rd November 2017
Aim of Options evening To find out information about what you will study in Core Subjects (English, Maths, Science) To find out information about the Option subjects you could choose To answer any questions you have about year 10/11 To ensure that each of you chooses the right subjects for you To allow you to achieve maximum success at 16 and beyond
The Political Climate RT Hon Nicky Morgan – Education Secretary at the time Education Secretary speaks at Policy Exchange about the government's reforms to promote educational excellence everywhere (3rd November 2015)
English Baccalaurate (Ebacc) The Ebacc is a performance measure rather than a qualification and recommended for those considering university in the future. In order to achieve Ebacc, pupils must study and achieve a strong pass (grade 5) in: English Maths History or Geography Sciences (at least two from the separate science subjects and/or Computer Science) Language
Ebacc “It must be right that every child studies a strong academic core up until the age of 16.” “And that’s why I think every child should study maths, English, history or geography, a language and the sciences up until the age of 16.” “That’s why we introduced the English Baccalaureate or EBacc in 2010. We wanted to be open about which options would equip pupils for the future….”
Ebacc (2) “And it’s worked. The seemingly terminal decline in young people studying this valuable combination of subjects reversed, almost doubling in just 5 years.” “That is something we should all find hugely welcome. And yet it remains the case that overall just 39% of young people are now studying the EBacc - in some areas it’s as low as 20%.”
Ebacc (3) “That’s why in our manifesto we committed to introducing an expectation that every child, who is able, should study the EBacc. In time, I want to see at least 90% of students entering the Ebacc.” (by 2020)* *(Now delayed – 75% by 2022, 90% by 2025)
So what? From 2018 -2022/5 the percentage of pupils studying Ebacc may increase. Universities have already agreed that the Ebacc subjects are ‘facilitating subjects.’ Will they look on Ebacc pupils more favourably? Employers Will they look on Ebacc candidates more favourably? (especially as we are living and working in a global market)
Changes to GCSE qualifications
From September 2018 All subjects will be taught with new specifications from Sept 2017 and will be graded 1-9 instead of A*-G. [Grade 1 = G; Grade 4 = C; Grade 7 = A] Grade 5 (old grade B/C) will now be considered a strong pass. Very little coursework or controlled assessments. Assessed by final examinations at the end of the course (May/June 2020)
Progress 8 new school performance measure Progress 8 is now the main school performance measure replacing 5A*-C incl English & Maths.
Learning Pathways
Academic Known as the English Baccalaureate. Designed for those thinking about going into Higher Education/University. Focus on English, Maths, Science, History or Geography, French + 2 other option subjects. These subjects identified by universities as best facilitating subjects towards studying A-Levels. You will expect to achieve at least 9 GCSEs (Grades 9-5).
Creative More flexible to provide you with the opportunity to fulfil your potential and gain the highest grades in a wider range of subjects. High grades (9 - 5) will enable you to study A-Levels and go into Higher Education/University. You follow an academic core of English, Maths and Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics). It is highly recommended that you also study one of Geography or History or French or Computer Science. You will expect to achieve 9 GCSEs (Grades 9 - 4).
Flexible Cater for pupils with specific learning requirements currently attaining below level expected for their age. Study same academic core (English, Maths & Science – Biology, Chemistry & Physics) Recommended to choose Skills for work, including possibility of Level 1 vocational course at FE college. This is a double option so you will choose TWO other option subjects. You will expect to achieve at least 5 GCSEs Please discuss this pathway with the Learning Support department.
Advice What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you enjoy? What are you good at? What are your future plans? Which combination of subjects gives you the greatest potential to be successful? DON’T choose a subject because your friend is doing it – friends can change!! you like the teacher – teachers can move on.
Core CURRICULUM SUBJECT QUALIFICATION English Language 1 x GCSE English Literature Mathematics Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 3 x GCSE Philosophy & Ethics Short course GCSE Physical Education (Games) None Personal Development and Citizenship
Option subjects – choose four French Fine Art Food & Nutrition Skills for Work (this is worth 2 option choices and includes bespoke Level 1 qualifications) Geography Business Studies Creative iMedia History Drama Music Computer Science Design & Technology (this includes project on either RMT, Graphics or Textiles) Media Studies PE Health & Social Care (under consultation??) We may offer GCSE Dance during an after school session of 2 hours (dependant on numbers/cost) + Duke Of Edinburgh Award
What next? January – Option booklets handed out to year 9 pupils 23rd January/1st February – Year 9 Parents Evening w/b 5th February – draft option choices discussed with Mr Andrews and/or Mrs Juszkiewicz 23rd February – Final Option Choices handed in March/April – Option Choices confirmed May/June – Some subjects start GCSE courses
Enjoy your evening